Status: a recreational work in progress (:

In the End... I'll Always Love You

Chapter Three

I’m kissing him.
I just met him out on the street no more than two hours ago.
And I’m kissing him.

After about 5 seconds, I realized what I was doing, and so did Loki. His eyes shot open and we both pulled away from each other. At the same time, I lost my balance and fell backward, landing so I was leaning on both of my hands, with my legs out in front of me. We stared at each other for what felt like hours, both of us slightly out of breath. I opened my mouth, trying to think of something to say, but closed it again; what was I supposed to say? 'Oh, in the spur of the moment, I thought I’d be nice to try and make out with you, then realized I know nothing about you.' Yeah, that would go well.

The silence between us was incredibly awkward, and I felt myself blush, so I looked down, avoiding Loki’s questioning eyes.

“I… well… that was… unexpected.”

Loki looked at me and laughed nervously, running his fingers through his hair. He rested his hands on the arms of the chair, drumming his fingers on the wood. I could feel his eyes looking at me, a slight laugh escaping his lips. I felt warmth in my chest, and an uneasy churning in my stomach. I couldn’t explain why I was feeling so anxious; I was embarrassed, not anxious. I felt my heart start to race, and my cheeks started to burn from blushing so hard. It felt like I was being played with; being poked and prodded from the inside… it was truly strange. I looked up at Loki, who was sitting there with his legs crossed, being completely casual. I pulled at my hair, feeling the heat intensify in my chest.

“I… um… do you want some tea? I’m… I’m making tea.”

He nodded, and I stumbled to my feet, trying to get away from his gaze, then maybe I could be embarrassed alone. I rushed into the kitchen, angrily grabbing my tea pot and hanging it on the faucet, turning the water on and taking a moment to gather myself.

I leaned against the counter, hanging my head over the other side of the sink, trying to think about what I just did. Why did I kiss him? Why did I have to kiss him? I don’t even know him! I got my fingers tangled in my hair, frustrated tears gathering in my eyes.

I felt something like a breeze blow by, and the tea pot flew off the faucet, spilling most of the water inside it on the counter. I just stared at the pot, shutting off the water and sighing. I didn’t know how that stupid thing fell off; there isn’t a window near the sink… but things happen. I took the pot, put the cover on, and turned on the stove. Hopefully this would take enough time, so the awkwardness would go away. All I wanted was to be in his arms again, even though our kiss didn’t go well at all.

I started rummaging through my cabinets, looking for tea bags and some mugs. I felt that cold breeze again, and before I could catch them, three mugs fell off the shelf and shattered at my feet. I knew I was a klutz, but I’m not usually this bad. I guess Loki had me on edge more than I thought. I heard him snicker from the living room, and I turned to look at him. He just smirked at me, brushing some stray hairs out of his face. I could tell he was hiding something… but what that that something may be was a well-kept secret. There was a look in his eye that made me shiver, now whether it was because I was scared or excited… I couldn’t tell.

I got the dustpan and brush from under the sink, and started to clean up the broken porcelain. When I got up to throw the broken pieces away, I looked up at the cabinets, and two more mugs were on the counter, on their sides, and at least a dozen tea bags were strewn about. I rolled my eyes and threw down the now empty dustpan, and Loki started to snicker.

“Will you stop!?”

“I haven’t done a thing… you know I’ve been sitting here. You’ve felt my gaze…”

I threw the brush in his general direction; I was just angry he was playing tricks on me now. He knew I was already uncomfortable. I had a feeling he enjoyed it that way.

“But… the cups… and the teabags…”

Loki got up, and walked towards me, smiling with his head tilted to the side ever so slightly. I could hear him suppressing laughter as I turned away from him, taking the teapot off of the burner, and angrily opening two tea bags, throwing them into the two not broken mugs angrily. I felt that cold breeze again, and the two mugs tipped over and almost rolled off of the counter.
I stumbled backward, losing my balance and tumbling to the ground. I felt strong hands catch me, and pull me up. Loki turned me around to face him, and brushed my hair out of my face as he smiled.

“Come now love, you shouldn’t let a kiss and some harmless tricks get you so worked up... plus, let us be realistic…”

He leaned in and kissed me, smiling as he leaned me back dance-style. I grabbed onto his shoulders for balance and pulled him closer to me. He brought be back upright and pulled way; that embarrassed feeling sinking in my gut, again.

“…you weren’t ashamed to kiss me, and you’re looking for more… and I’ll gladly give you just that.”

I wrapped my arms up and over his shoulders and started to play with his hair, bringing my face to his slowly. I felt his body stiffen and a sly smile break out on his face.

“But… you have to be okay with some mischief; it’s in my nature… and there’s plenty more where that came from. And next time, I won’t be nearly as subtle.”
♠ ♠ ♠
so.. an update! ehehe well there you go :P

please comment with opinions/ suggestions... anything really :)
