I've Fallen for Your Eyes

But They Don't Know Me Yet

The incredibly familiar sound of Ed Sheeran’s You Need Me, I Don’t Need You washed through the concert hall as Sarah adjusted the merch on display for the One Direction concert. Moving just a bit to herself, she mouthed the words to the song, smiling as she walked away, walking into what she usually saw as a pit but instead was full concert chairs. Opening the fence between the stage and the chairs, she climbed up on the stage to adjust the keyboards and drum sets, when she felt a tug at her ankle.

A screech left her mouth as she fell back from the edge she was standing on, directly into Harry Styles’ waiting arms, one arm under her knees while the other supported her back. Her breathing was fast and ragged and it took a moment for her to register that she hadn’t plummeted down and thwacked her head against the stage floor, but was instead being held up.

Looking up at the curly haired lad, his bright smile was directed down at her, the little indent next to his mouth on clear display. Sarah gulped and motioned to the floor, Harry setting her on the ground. It was only a moment until she leaned against the wall of the platform that she was just standing on and she reached over, punching him in the shoulder.

“Ow. What was for?” Harry asked rubbing his, now sore, shoulder. Sarah glared at him, shoving him out of the way to get backstage.

“What if you dropped me? What if you missed? God, you could’ve killed me, Harry!” Sarah retorted, spinning to glare at him. Harry stepped closer, slipping his hand into hers. Sarah continued to glare up at him despite the warm feeling that flooded her system as much as she didn’t want it to.

“Sarah,” Sarah didn’t let up, “I’m sorry.” She made an irritated noise, but it was in vain when Harry pulled her into a hug, leaning down to bury his nose into her dark chocolate brown hair. Rolling her eyes, she wrapped her arms around him away, pulling back a little to get a glimpse at those jade green eyes she loved to look at.

“Hey, lovebirds!” Sarah pulled away completely, looking over to see the rest of the guys approaching, Louis with a smug look. She jumped behind Harry immediately, trying to avoid Louis lunging at her, only to be caught off guard when Liam stepped up to throw her over his shoulder. Groaning loudly, she kicked a little trying to get Liam to put her down. “Ha ha! We win!”

“That is so unfair. I thought it was a free for all!” Sarah complained, craning her neck to glare at Louis.

“It’s not our fault you didn’t get to one of us before we got together. You’ve gotta think outside the box, Sarah.”

“More like outside the rules.”

“Uhm, no,” Liam mentioned, “there were no rules.” Sarah leaned farther over his shoulder, smacking his ass. “Hey, buy me a drink first.”

“Don’t you idiots have soundcheck?” Sarah reminded them, going limp on Liam’s shoulder since it was obvious he wasn’t putting her down.

“Yes, yes, we do. I’m going to take this.” Harry lifted Sarah off of Liam’s shoulder, setting her on the floor, giving her a cheeky wink. “You’re going to go listen to us and tell us how wonderful we are.” Sarah scoffed, already walking away.

“In your dreams,” She responded, jumping from the edge of the stage, then jumping the fence and heading back toward the merch.

“You’ll regret this, Black! Mark my words!” Louis called to her and she laughed, still walking away.

Sarah stepped into the singles room she was graced with, thankful that she didn’t have the boys all over her at all hours. She had already changed and gotten quite comfortable in bed, Sophia Kinsella’s I’ve Got Your Number propped up on her lap and her ipod playing Moments (which was a very good song and quite nice to relax to) beside her when her door flew open, shut again a moment later and some person had hurled themself into her lap.

“Hey! Louis!” Sarah yelled, Louis sitting in her lap, throwing her book to the side a moment later.

“I was thinking, since I am your best guy friend and we are by far the closest in this group of friends that don’t have romantic feelings for each other, because let’s face it, Niall and Liam are secretly fucking and you love Harry,” Sarah had opened her mouth but it quickly snapped shut at that sentence, a humored smirk on her face at the Niall and Liam joke and a blush creeping up when he mentioned Harry, “we should talk about your feelings for said curly haired boy.”

“I don’t have feelings for Harry and Niall and Liam would kill you if they knew you found out.” Sarah pointed out, pushing Louis to the floor while she got up to look around for where Louis had chucked her book.

“Psht, they think we’re oblivious, but it’s so obvious. And you do!” Sarah rolled her eyes, picking up her book and getting back into bed, Louis jumping onto the mattress, sitting like an excited puppy, his eyes overflowing with a kind of emotion Sarah could only describe as excitement. “You love Harry and Harry loves you and you should just get together!”

“Louis, this is your wishful thinking. Even if I did- not saying I do!” Sarah told him, making Louis frown a bit from his smirk, “he wouldn’t. He’s a good friend and that would make things weird.”

“No! He likes brunettes who are shorter than him have a good sense of humor, can be sarcastic and cheeky and have a nice bum! You’re all the above!” Louis prodded, nearly in her lap again as he crawled toward her.

“Well, you are too. Why don’t you date him?” Sarah retorted. Louis shoved her shoulder, Sarah laughing a bit at the look he gave her. “What?”

“Don’t be making jokes, now. You want him and he wants you and you need to get together.” Sarah set her book down and got up, pulling Louis to the door, despite his best efforts. “Don’t disregard me! I know you like him and you really should give it a chance. Come on, Sarah!”

Stopping with him giving her wide puppy eyes, Sarah sighed, leaning on the doorway. “Okay, you’re right. But it doesn’t matter because he doesn’t like me that way and it wouldn’t work anyway. He wants someone he can take care of and I’m not that girl. I’ve honestly admitted to be more of a man in a woman’s body than anything else, you can ask my sister. I’m terrible. He’d get tired of me, they always do. Why bother if it won’t work out?”

“It will, Sarah, I promise. Just, give it a chance.”

The next couple days were nothing but awkward silence between Louis and Sarah, which was truly nothing the guys had any idea about. Since they had met they’d been best friends and constantly bantering back and forth about simple or stupid things. They didn’t just stop talking.

It was beginning to worry everyone but nothing seemed to get them to talk.

“Sarah,” Sarah looked up from her book that she had finally gotten the chance to read now that Louis wasn’t ‘bothering’ her, “are you and Louis okay?” Harry asked, stepping into the back lounge, the rest of the bus quiet without the sound of the boys, the rest of them out and fooling around with their day off.

“Yeah, why?” She asked, acting as though she didn’t know that air between her and Louis was tense. Harry sat down beside her, a slight frown marring his beautiful features, his plump pink lips being pulled downward just a bit at the corners.

“You and Louis haven’t really talked much. It’s odd, the how quiet it is without you guys bickering. Are you sure everything’s okay?” Harry asked, resting a hand on her thigh.

“Yeah, I mean, it’s nothing, really. We’ll be fine.” Sarah propped her book open, only for Harry to grab it, setting it aside.

“What happened?”

“Harry, it’s nothing, really.” Harry didn’t look convinced but before Sarah could try and reassure him that things between herself and Louis were alright, he had leaned forward and brushed their lips together. Her lips parted in a slight gasp, but Harry was already presenting more pressure against her skin, his mouth slanting against hers and his tongue gently sweeping over her lower lip.

His name murmured against his lips only egged him on, his right hand coming up to cradle her cheek, his other hand wrapping around the side of her waist, pulling her closer.

It seemed to end only as soon as it started, Harry pulling away, his bright green eyes staring into her warm brown ones.

“It was about this, wasn’t it?” Sarah was too stunned to form words, much less move even the slightest to show him some kind of confirmation but it seemed Harry read her mind, as he soon answered, “tell him I kissed you. He’ll get off your back.”

He seemed about to leave when Sarah muttered a quiet, “Harry.” He turned to her expectantly. “Is that it then? Just kiss me to get Louis to talk to me again, because in case it isn’t obvious, I kind of like you too and it would be kind of nice to believe that you didn’t just kiss me because it was convenient for you.” Harry smiled again, that bright smile that somewhat made Sarah weak in the knees just find him utterly adorable, especially with that dimple at the side of his mouth.

“Not if you don’t want it to be.” Sarah let out an amused sort of exhale, leaning forward to press her lips to his once more.

“You are truly an idiot, Harry Styles.”

It seemed only a moment later (when really Sarah and Harry had gotten a bit carried away with their kissing and it was about 20 minutes later) the boys climbed back on the bus, talking loudly when Louis suddenly hushed them, then ran to the back to find Sarah and Harry completely entangled with each other in the back lounge.

“Why does no one ever believe me? I knew Liam and Niall were together, I knew Harry liked Sarah and I knew they would get together! I win!” Louis announced, both startling the couple on the couch into breaking apart and launching into a kind of happy dance in front of them all.

“We’re still seeing each other, Louis, in case you forgot,” Liam reminded him, but his words fell on deaf ears as Louis ‘I told you so’-ed everyone else on the bus.
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