Status: Havent decided yet if I should make this a one-shot or about 5 chapters long. Comments/reviews are awesome :)

Hey Barnboy

Almost every girl at the barn had a crush on Barnboy . Hell some were more intrigued by him then by the horses. Many tried asking him out, or simply walking up to him declared there ‘love.’ Every time a girl did that he would give them a sad smile and say, ‘I’m sorry I have another girl who I have loved since the day we met.’ Then he would continue his work and the girl would stand there, usually crying as he left. It was the same every time. I wonder who his ‘girl’ was or if she even existed. How should I have known that girl was me, Isabella Rachel Hunter show-jumper extraordinaire (Yea, maybe I should scale the ego down a bit.)and of course he just always had to take care of me. Well welcome to my life...