

“Harry? Harry! Are you listening to me?” Louis yelled from the other side of the car to Harry who was staring at his twitter page oblivious to the world around him.

“Huh?” he mumbled looking up from his phone towards Louis who looked pissed off because Harry was ignoring him for his phone.

“I said get ready, we’re almost at the hotel and there are like a million fan’s outside hide your phone and your wallet.” Louis sassy voice was unbelievably annoyed right now.

“Oh…Right okay Louie.” he paused. ” did I upset you?” he glanced at his friend and fellow band mate.

“Yes. You keep ignoring me for that damn girl on twitter she’s in America on the other side from us mate, you’ve got to stop obsessing.” Louis looked out his window. Harry was sort of hurt with what Louis was saying. He didn’t know the girl he shouldn’t be saying these things. Harry felt like he wasn’t obsessed with her he just wanted to get to know her. In his mind that wasn't too much to ask for. At the hotel he walked through the crowd of screaming pre-teens, teens and young adults trying to reach the sanctuary of his hotel room for the night.

Hannah sat in her bedroom looking through her friends posts on Tumblr from the One Direction Concert the other night, she found herself staring at Harry for the longest time. His amazing eyes, beautiful curly hair and amazing dimples had her. She was all his for the taking if he'd have her. She wanted nothing more than to let him control her and make her his.

"Why do you have to be so perfect in every single aspect of the word perfect." she said to the picture of him smiling that was set as her wallpaper on her laptop. She heard her ringtone go off from her nightstand

Come on come into my life, I don't, I don't, don't know what it is but I need that one thing

She was too lazy to get up so she leaned down reaching keeping herself braced with one arm half on her bed, half off. She stretched as far as she could without falling off her bed hitting the answer button with the tip of her finger as the phone hit the floor she sighed and got up.

"Hello?" she asked pressing the phone up to her ear sitting back down on her bed.

"OH MY GOD HANNAH!" her best friend Molly screamed into her ear loudly causing Hannah to pull the phone back from her ear.

"What molly?" she asked to her still squealing friend. Expecting her to say something along the lines of her parents got her tickets to the One Direction concert in her town but the words that came out of her mouth made Hannah drop her phone into her lap and fumble with her keyboard to type in her Twitter url.
She looked at her followers a fairly large in her mind number was there, she looked through the list and her heart almost exploded with happiness.
Harry Styles is following me on twitter.

Hannah kept saying to herself it must have been an accident he'll unfollow her shortly. She kept refreshing the page watching as her follower count went from around 100 to around 300 just by having Harry follow her.

She tapped her chin wondering why he followed her she clicked on his twitter name and then found the Direct Message button clicking it she stared at the page.

She sent a simple DM.

"Why did you, follow me?" was all she sent.

Harry felt his phone buzz in his pocket as he ate his food he pulled the phone out of his pocket and saw a DM on his twitter he unlocked his phone and looked at it. The girl that he's been watching this last week sent him a DM. He let a smile form on his lips as he replied.

"Why not? Do you not want me to follow you?"

He was hoping that she wouldn't send back a yes or something along those lines. He wasn't going to unfollow her he wanted to know her. He read her blog, some of the stuff she posted was very talented and well thought out. Her poems made his heartbreak but then the pictures she posted of her smiling face made him bloom inside.

She nearly died when she saw the little blue mark under the grey outline on her twitter she clicked and held her breath she couldn't believe that he replied to her this fast too.

"No, I do...I wish I knew why you wanted to follow me though? Can you tell me?"
She took a deep breath and looked at her huge One Direction homemade poster on her wall next to her mirror.

"This has to be a dream." she said to nobody but herself.

Harry smiled at the reply happy that she did want him to follow her.

"I've read your blog."

He finished his food and flopped onto one of the beds looking through the TV guide to find something to watch, he didn't know any of the channels he normally would watch back home. He saw friends on a TV channel he turned it on and watched it waiting for her reply.

Hannah read Harry's reply and immediately went pale in the face.

"Oh my god. Did I offend you? I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

She slapped her hand to her forehead over and over again.

Harry read her reply and sat up sharply replying in record time.

"You didn't offend me at all! I like your poems"

Harry waited for another hour for a reply and got nothing. He sighed and figured she went to bed not knowing what time it was in the state she lived in. He laid back against the hotel pillows and took a few deep breaths.

He talked to the girl he wanted to for so long. He was happy.