

Harry soon got to his hotel room and pulled his phone out. He was upset thinking that Hannah hadn't replied to him at all but he felt a huge sigh of relief then stupidity wash over him. He quickly typed his phone number into the box before double checking to make sure it was going to be sent to the right place.

Hannah rolled over with her eyes still closed to grab her phone. She glanced at the screen and mumbled to herself about bad timing.

"Thanks Harry. I'll send you mine tomorrow I was asleep."

She shut the ringer on her phone off and rolled over into the pillow. Harry looked at his phone at the reply he had gotten from her. He felt his heart sink. He didn't mean to wake her.

The Next Morning

Hannah stared at her phone his number already saved into her phone book as
Harold so her friend would think it was her uncle. She bit her lip really hard and typed a text in.

"Hi Harry. It's Hannah this is my number."

She hit send then got up to get ready for her day which would consist of her sitting on her butt by her computer looking at her Tumblr, Baby sitting her cousin Lei later that evening, and eating her dinner. She fixed her hair putting her makeup on very simple she stared herself in the eyes in the mirror. She had her family nose, blue eyes, and blonde hair.

Harry heard his phone going off on the hotel nightstand they got into Oklahoma last night he was now only a matter of shows away from Hannah. He perked up seeing the text sitting straight up in bed.

"Hey, I'm so sorry about last night. I didn't mean to ignore you like that I didn't see my phone go off or anything."

He got out of the bed and walked into the clean hotel bathroom looking in the mirror he grabbed his tooth brush and tooth paste; he started brushing his teeth waiting for a reply so he could get into the shower and get ready for the day. He heard his phone go off and he grabbed it off the bathroom counter reading her text.
"Its fine Harry you're a famous person. I'm still shocked you're even talking to me."

He frowned softly and started typing.

"Why do you say that Hannah? You have a gift for writing poems. Your blogs are 100 percent true. I've never laughed so hard when I see you post pictures on your Tumblr. You're a very amazing girl and I want to meet you."

Hannah felt her phone buzz as she reblogged a picture of a girls shoe collection and added the caption "want it so bad." she looked down at her phone as her breath got caught in her throat.

She felt the tears prick her eyes when she read his text then her face paled when he said he had seen her Tumblr. Had he noticed all the pictures of him? Did he know she was a fan girl?

"Harry, you don't get how much that means to me. I don't understand how you're so nice to someone you haven't met, I hope that I eventually get too meet you too"

Harry hopped into the shower before he read her text. he washed his hair and rubbed the sleep out of his face with the hotel wash cloth. Slowly he turned the water off getting out wrapping a towel around his waist.

"Harry!" he heard banging on the hotel door it sounded like Zayn.

"What Zayn?" he shouted to the door opening it very slightly to see his best friend.

"Do you want to come out with me and the guys today?"

Harry thought then shook his head. "Nah, you guys go I think I'm going to catch up on sleep."

"Okay if you're sure." He said walking away from harry.

Harry dressed and fixed his hair then sat on his hotel bed reading Hannah's text he smiled softly.

"Maybe you can meet me sooner than you think? Where do you live?"

Hannah was on Skype with a friend of hers who lived on the other side of the world from her. She looked down at her phone and smiled a little.

"I live in South Carolina."

Harry fumbled around his bag for the tour schedule to see if they were going to South Carolina he frowned lightly seeing they weren't going to South Carolina but they were going to Florida he made a face he wanted to meet her but he knew if he asked her to fly out if he gave her tickets she'd think he was trying to hard or she'd feel like he wanted something from her.

"I can't believe we have no dates in South Carolina only in Florida and New York.." he sent back.

Hannah looked at her phone once more.

"Yeah I guess I'll just have to wait around until your next US tour."

Harry's heart dropped more and he sighed softly.

"No I want you to come out to Florida and see me, I'll buy you a plane ticket and give you a backstage access pass"

Hannah looked at Harry's last text message and she rubbed her face against her hand not caring if she messed her makeup up. So many thoughts ran through the girls head. If I go I'll be a gold digger. If I don't go I may lose contact with him and he's nice.

"I'll think about it Harry."
♠ ♠ ♠
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