The tales of Jinglejohn

Jinglejohn Johnson

The names Jinglejohn. Jinglejohn Johnson, long lost brother of Martin Johnson, the singer. The dancer. The hottie from Boys like girls.

"Wow wow wow. Jinglejohn, did you just call your long lost brother a 'hottie'?" James asked his friend.

"well thats what all the fangirls are saying" I replied nonchantly

Anyways back to my story.

I'm Jinglejohn. Jinglejohn Johnson. I like cheese, and smelling things. This is a tale of how I found my long lost brother in a concert, a scary concert if you ask me. I almost got trampled by crazy girls, I barely made it out alive.

But yeah, I saved him from the bad guys, cause I'm so cool. Like Michael Martinez, but you'll read about that later.

Now it all started when I was a baby, Martin and I were at the grocery store when I saw a big bar of cheese it was such a good bar of cheese, i remember eating it, licking it, tasting it, oh how I loved that cheese.

so when Martin saw me feeling that cheese he ran away, he was tired of the caveman ways, since my family were all cavemen, he wanted to be a rockstar, he wanted to rock out so he forced his tiny little friends to rock with him, oh poor kids! They hated Martin.

When he got into highschool he found some other friends John, Paul, and Bryan and then came their band "Boys Like Girls".

Me on the other hand, I was left alone. And thats where I met James. James McCartney.

Did you know James has his own Theme song? By Allstar Weekend. What a nice song, I sometimes find myself dancing to it. The link to it, is by the side.

So like I was saying, James stole me from my caveman life and took me under his care.

Oh how much fun it was. We partied all night, partied all morning.

WHOO! I was living the life until James turned sour.

saddest moment of my life.
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