Status: ... And We're Up!

A Withered Past & A Blurry Future

Now it's time for Warped Tour, this summer of 2012. Three girls have been planning on taking a day off of their lives to just listen to music and have some fun. Only, when Amber meets a certain person from the past their vacation is extended from one day to the entire summer.

Naturally, Cristi sees no harm in touring the rest of the summer with a successful rock band, and Amber is a little too high to know what's going on, but Jade is conflicted with having so many people so close to her. What if they find out about her past?

Then, what seemed like fun at the time to Cristi, turns into a nightmare when she meets one of the bands on the tour. She's in love with someone who's head is shoved up his girlfriend's ass.

But don't mind Amber as she's falling over herself the entire summer, wishing she would just drop dead already. Drugs are a bitch.