Not All Monsters Get Along

Clarence: The Fey

I smirked as I advanced, the Vampire's back to me.

“Stalking her again, Lucas?” He turned around slowly and frowned at me.

“I'm keeping her safe,” he replied and stuck his hands in his pockets. His skin glowed faintly, a tell tale sign that he had recently fed.

“You wouldn't be the one that set that beautiful house on fire, would you?” I stopped a few feet from him. The sky above us was lit up with the city lights, the bars and clubs still doing extremely well with their customers.

“What do you want, Clarence,” he asked with a sigh and I smiled a sly smile.

“Leave her alone, Lucas. She doesn't want you,” I responded and I watched a muscle in his jaw tick.

“Don't you have some poor boy to play with?” His voice was cold and I stepped toward him, so we were only a foot apart.

“Humans are boring, Lucas. Do you wanna come play with me?” I purred, and watched his eyes narrow.

“Clarence, you and I fooled around-”

“It wasn't even once, Lucas. You've been in my bed plenty of times,” I reminded him and he shuffled his feet.

“No, Clarence,” he snapped and stepped back from me. I stepped toward him, too quickly for any spectating human to catch, and he grabbed my throat. I let out a small gasp when we flashed to the other side of the street and my back was slammed into the hard, sharp brick wall.

His fangs flashed and I smirked, wiggled out of his grasp, and kissed him hard on the lips, grinding his teeth against his own lips.

He pushed me away with a growl, his own blood on his lips.

I loved it when he was angry. Vampires were so much more fun when they were angry and unpredictable. We could kill each other with a single move, but we had enough respect for each other not to.

“Go home,” he hissed, his eyes flashing dangerously. I felt a spark of anger at his command. I was not his to command.

“Come with me,” I purred and then went up on my tip toes so I could hiss in his ear, “or I could introduce myself to your love while you sleep the daylight hours away.” The threat made Lucas push me away, barring his teeth.

I felt my skin prickle. My hair lit up and my vision improved.

“You'd do well not to threaten her,” he purred, his fingertips trailing from my ear, to my mouth, and then to my chest, just above my rapidly-beating heart. I smiled slowly and his eyes flashed to my pointed teeth.

“You should remember that I play by my own rules,” I whispered and grabbed his wrist, breaking the bones in it with a flick of my own. He clenched his jaw and groaned in pain. Though his bones would heal in a matter of hours, he still felt pain.

“If you so much as talk to her, I will pull out your still-beating heart and shove it down your fucking throat,” he growled, jabbing his unwounded hand forward, his fingers piercing through my chest and I almost felt his fingertips graze my heart. I exhaled painfully, gripping his forearm. He shoved me back against the wall and leaned closer, his teeth grazing my neck. “Your death would be slow and painful, remember that next time you try your shit.”

He pulled back just as quickly, his hand making a sucking sound as it left my chest. He glared at me as I fell to my knees, trying to recover from his assault. He turned on his heel and walked away. I put a hand to my chest, and felt the new flesh there, still tender. I watched him go, and swore. Now I'd have to go home and change, if I wanted to play anymore tonight.

I held a deep breath and watched my body disappear from sight. I sped across town to my apartment and slammed myself down in bed. There was no point in going out again, it was nearly four in the morning.