Not All Monsters Get Along

Terran: The Fey

I stared at my ceiling and listened to my parents downstairs. They weren't my real parents, they had made that very clear throughout my life. They had adopted me after finding me in a rundown crack house.

I heard something smash and flinched. This fight was getting bad.

I rolled out of bed and opened my window slowly. I stepped out, my toes balanced on the window sill. I closed it just as slowly, so not to make any noise, and then pulled myself up onto the roof. I laid back and stared at the stairs.

I breathed a sigh, and looked around. The city was alive, but the suburb, where I lived, was silent and dead as everyone slept.

I settled back and waited for the fight to be over.

My parents, who liked to be called Charlie and Veronica, had been out until just half an hour ago. Since then, they had been throwing shit around and making too much noise.

An hour later, they went to bed, and everything fell silent again. I slipped back inside, and rubbed my eyes. It was Saturday morning now, as it was 4:36am. According to some research I had done, the sun was supposed to rise in about an hour.

I slid back into bed and wrapped my blankets tightly around me. The temperature varied in May, but it was usually in the sixties or seventies.

I closed my eyes, listening to the absolute silence around me.