Not All Monsters Get Along

Kennedy: The Soul Eater

I laid beside Seth, and propped my head on his chest, staring up at him.

“Okay, so spill,” I murmured, exhausted from dancing. Tonight had been a record: 6 souls. My skin felt too tight, and my stomach rolled with delight. Seth hummed and brushed his fingers through my hair.

“I talked to Adrian, and he might go through with my plan of locking Don up. He doesn't want to feed, so we wont force him to. He'll be locked up for a month without a soul, and then we're going to show him how much good it does him,” he said and I smiled.

“Wow, look at you. I think I'm rubbing off on you,” I purred and closed my eyes as he continued to run his hands through my hair.

“Have you ever heard of a Soul-Eater going a month without a soul?” His question was sudden and made me look at him again. I furrowed my brow and thought that through.

“No, I haven't. They mustn't die though, since Adrian is almost willing to put his own son through that kind of torture,” I murmured and drew my legs up, hooking them around Seth's legs. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

“People are going to think we're a thing,” he laughed and I smiled.

“I'm too self-centered to have a boy and you're gay, I don't think anyone that knows us will think anything is up between us,” I reassured him and rubbed my head against his chest.

He fell asleep about half an hour later, and when his breathing evened out, I untangled myself from him, and crept out to the living room. I grabbed my cellphone from the pocket of my jacket and hit 1. I lifted the phone to my ear and tapped my foot.

“Hello?” Adrian sounded like he was just about to get to sleep.

“Adrian? It's Kennedy,” I greeted, keeping my voice down.

“Kennedy? What is it?”

“Seth told me about your plan against Don,” I said plainly and Adrian was completely awake when he replied.

“How much did he tell you? Did he tell you I'm still thinking about it?” He sounded unsure.

“He told me enough. I think it's what Gordon needs to be brought back on track, Adrian. I want in. I can get to him. I have a copy of his key,” I told him and he sucked in a breath.

“Kennedy-” he broke off, spoke to someone in the background, and then returned, his breathing ragged.
“I still need a place for this to happen where it wont attract human attention. Somewhere soundproof. If this is going to happen, it needs to be perfectly planned out. He's going to be an example to the rest of the Soul-Eaters. Do you understand me?”

“I completely understand. I think I know a place. Just tell me what you need and I can get it. I know people,” I suggested and he shuffled on his end.

“Meet me outside your-”

“I'm at Seth's apartment. I can be outside in ten minutes.”

We hung up and I quietly put my pants back on over my boxers, slipped on my jacket, and grabbed my keys. I took Seth's keys as well, so I could lock his front door as I stepped outside and waited for Adrian.