Not All Monsters Get Along

Keith: The Soul Eater Screwup

I traced her blue lips with my thumb. She looked like she was sleeping, but I knew better. I called Adrian and he answered on the third ring.

“What time is it?” He sounded grouchy, but awake.

“10:13 in the morning. I uh-” I broke off and he seemed to realize who he was talking to. He sighed.

“It happened again, huh?” He shuffled on the other side.

“I didn't mean to- I got really drunk last night, and I just woke up and here she was, and she's not breathing, and-”

“Calm down, Keith. Freaking out isn't going to help anyone. I'll call someone and get them to come over and clean up the mess. Go out, get some coffee, go see someone, just be out of there for a couple of hours.”

I told him I understood, we hung up, and I got dressed, trying not to look at the beautiful dead girl in my bed. I took my keys and my phone, and left, not locking the door behind me.

I walked to my car, started it quickly and drove aimlessly for a few minutes before pulling over and shakily dialed Seth's number. He answered groggily.

“Ah, Keith, what can I do for you,” he asked after realizing it was me.

“I just- I need to crash somewhere for a few hours, and-”

“And you wanna come over here? Okay, let me kick Kennedy out. Come on over.” He hung up after saying he'd see me soon. I drove with a purpose now, going over to his apartment.

We were like a family: we knew where the others lived.

I parked in the parking lot in the back of his apartment building, and slipped past someone just leaving. I rode the elevator up six floors, got out, and found his apartment: 604. I knocked and he opened the door a moment later, dressed in only jeans that hung off his pale hips. His pierced lips drew up in a smirk as he looked me over.

“Did you just wake up?” He asked and let me in. I ran my hands through my already-messy hair.

“Yeah, kinda. I woke up with a dead girl in my bed,” I said, still freaking out. The last time that had happened, it was three years ago.

“And here I had thought you had come to your senses and come out of the closet,” he said, feigning disappointment. I narrowed my eyes at him.

Seth had some twisted fantasy that I was a closeted gay, and I was just hiding the fact from myself and everyone else by whoring myself out.

“I'm not like you,” I said firmly and he smirked, running his eyes down to my feet and up again, meeting my eyes.

“You've never even kissed a guy, how do you know that you don't like it?” He stepped closer and I kept my ground. We were about the same height.

“I just do,” I said. Maybe it was a mistake coming over here.

“You know, Adrian doesn't know that little stunt you pulled with Ivy at the club last night. I think he'd be pretty upset if he heard,” Seth told me and I bristled.

“Are you trying to blackmail me?”

“Am I?”

“Well, what you call it then?” I fought the urge to step back as he stepped closer, so we were no more than a few inches apart.

“Getting what I want,” he purred and his eyes danced to my jaw line, which jumped as I clenched it.
“I'll keep my lips sealed about everything,” he breathed.

I pushed him back harshly and his eyes flashed. He punched at me, clipping my jaw, and I swung back, knocking his head back. He tackled me to the ground and I scratched at his face. He grabbed my wrists, straddling my waist, and forced them down above my head. He smirked again.

“Seems you just can't win,” he murmured and pressed his lips against mine.

I slipped my hands out of his grasp and struck him in the face, knocking him off. He growled as I held him down in the same position as he had me in before, only my grip was making his hands turn dark red as I cut off their circulation.

I glared down at him, my heart like a caged bird. It beat inside my rib cage quickly and heavily.

I lowered myself down, my lips hovering just above his. He held his breath as mine ran over his lips in quick bursts.

“This happens every time,” I muttered, and his eyelids fluttered closed.

“You like the violence,” he breathed, his exhalation fanning over my face. I kissed him hard, a step I hadn't taken before. Usually these scuffles were to tease him, but now my curiosity was too much.

How do you know you don't like it if you don't try it?

He didn't respond at first, too shocked that I taken the extra step, then he arched his back and pushed back, deepening the kiss. I released his hands and he rolled us over so he was on top. He knotted his hands in my hair, his piercings tickled my flesh, and my stomach rolled when he pulled away. His eyes were filled with hunger as he searched my face. He smirked when his leg rubbed against my crotch.

“Oh, I guess you do like it,” he whispered and I flushed.


“I wont tell anyone,” he breathed and crushed my lips with his own. My lips rubbed against my teeth with the force behind it, and I encircled his neck with my arms, drawing him closer. Our souls had a fight for dominance, trying to drag the other out, but Seth and I were equally matched when it came to power and strength.