Not All Monsters Get Along

Terran: The Fey

I woke to a silent house. The parents were both out, either working or just out. They'd fight then make up by going out for the day only to come home and fight again.

I rarely saw them but they always left me money for dinner or lunch. Sometimes they just left money out for no reason. My friends called it guilt money.

No matter what it was called, most of the money they'd given me in the past three years had been stored away. I had three coffee cans filled with $5's, $10's and $20's. On a rainy day, someday, I would count it. It was my Emergency money.

For what emergency?

Moving out, going out of country, anything to get me out of here when the time came.

I signed onto my laptop, always on and plugged in, and while it finished installing whatever it needed to install, I went downstairs for food. I found a two $20 bills on the kitchen counter and pocketed it, poured myself a bowl of cereal, grabbed three granola bars, and went back upstairs.

Being a Fey, I had a high metabolism, and it seemed like I was always hungry.

I had found out about being a Fey when a woman with fire-orange curls for hair pulled me aside and told me to stay out of her 'territory'. Having no idea what she was talking about, she impatiently explained it to me. The night after, I Google'd F-E-Y. I had spent a week reading into it, and then eventually joined a forum for the 'supernaturals'.I was pretty sure that most on the website were completely crazy, until I talked to a few 'real monsters', or so they called themselves. Most of them had disappeared over the years, but I had ended up befriending a girl who went by 'FrowningSugarSkull'.
Sugar, as I came to call her, was around my age and spoke to the dead. The elder of her community, based on legends, had given her the name Death-Speaker.

Being a skeptic, I asked her what my grandmother had said right before she died. My grandmother, who was my adopted-father's mother, treated me like blood and I still grieved her passing.

The next night, Sugar had typed 'my beautiful little girl, remember who you are and never let anyone change that. I love you and may you live a happy life.' I was speechless and believed her from then on.

I told her I was a Fey, and explained what I knew. When I had first changed into my Fey form, I had taken a picture and sent it to her. She said I was beautiful and shared a picture of herself in full 'Devil's Dance' make-up. She looked like a living Sugar Skull. When I asked about a smudge in the corner of her room, she told he that was probably Brandon, a ghost that stuck around.

Sugar and I usually only speak a few times a week since communicating with the dead was tiring and she rarely had time to be on the computer.

When I sat down at my laptop, I put my food beside me and started Firefox. It was faster and more effective than Internet Explorer. I went to the forum, Supernatural Realism, and signed myself in.

I checked my inbox and found spam along with a message from Sugar. She was complaining about her family, and then told me she was planning on running away before the next full moon. She had told me before that every full moon was the Devils Dance. It made sense to run away before then, but that didn't give her very much time.

I replied, stating my condolences, and then asked her what she had planned so far for her escape.

It would be a couple of days before she replied, and that would give me time to decide if I actually wanted to help her, or if I was just feeling sorry in the moment. I could pay for her flight here, and even house her. My parents wouldn't even know she was here.