Not All Monsters Get Along

Riley: The Human

I saw Gordon's mohawk float above heads as he dashed table to table , either taking orders, clearing tables, getting people seated, or checking in on people he had already served.

You had to give the kid credit: he worked hard and fast.

When Don and I got a break together (mine being my third, his being his first), I rubbed his shoulders motherly.

“Damn, kid, you work fast.” He grinned ear-to-ear.

“Have to if you want tips. Oh, Riley, a girl will be coming in, dark hair, intense blue eyes, make sure she sits in my section. I promised her a free breakfast.” I smiled slyly and he blushed.

“How many girls you got hangin' off you boy?” He laughed.

“None at the moment. My best friend and I... slept together last night and now she wont talk to me. The girl coming in today I only met like, over an hour ago in the park.” I snorted and shook my head.

“You never, I mean never, sleep with friends. Makes shit awkward. She doesn't know what's going on right now.”

“Well, you should've given me that advice about 24 hours ago, Rye.”

We went back to work, the girl never showing up. As my shift ended, I patted Don on the back.

“She doesn't know what she's missin'.” He nodded, sullen and distracted, waiting 12 tables at a time. I shook my head and left, changing for my next job in the car.