Not All Monsters Get Along

Isabelle: The Vampire

Jason had to work late, complaining that someone had corrupted a file and he had to fix it. I had sighed and told him I'd be awake when he got home.

Now, however, I was out and on the prowl. If I didn't get blood tonight, I was going to kill Jason when he stepped into the apartment.

I went into a cruddy bar, found some fat asshole looking to get his dick wet, and took him out back. As he was undoing his belt to drop his hands, expecting a blow job before some anal sex, I extended my canines with a faint, wet click and shoved him against the wall.

As he tried to make a sexual comment, I sank my teeth into his throat. I clamped down, slicing into his jugular, and drank greedily.

All of this happened within 15 minutes, even the part where I snapped his neck, let his body drop to the ground with a heavy, disgusting thud, and ran my tongue over my teeth.

“You're going to get caught if you keep doing that,” he said and stepped forward. I froze, staring at him.

How did I not notice him before? His scent, a musky spicy delight, wafted around me as he stepped closer, drawing my eyes to his as he smiled a small smile.


I paused as he disappeared from a few yards in front of me to just a few inches. I held my breath as he used the pad of his thumb to wipe blood of my chin. He sucked the blood off his digit, never breaking eye contact with me.

I regained control of my own body when my mind processed that this person infront of me was real, this was Lucas, the one who ended my life and created a monster.

“Are you following me? I thought I made it-” He stopped me by raising his pointer finger, asking for a moment. I was too startled by this motion to say anything. Before, he would have just told me to shut up when he wanted to speak.

“You hate me, and that's fair. But you're going to get caught if you just leave them like this,” he scolded and leaned past me, grabbed the fat man, and heaved him over his shoulder. I watched as he threw the body in the dumpster and lit it on fire. Someone was bound to notice that faster than what I had planned to do: just leave the body.

Something clicked in my head when he turned back to me, his face expressionless.

“You're the one killing all those people and then setting their homes on fire. Do you know what you're doing to those families!? They can't even have any of their possessions, because you-”

“It gets rid of more evidence than just laying the bodies down in an alley,” he hissed and I blinked. He just kept surprising me, with his mood changes.

“You're no better than a serial killer, killing simply because it amuses you,” I hissed and his eyes narrowed at me.

“And you're with a human,” he spat, as if it disgusted him.

“I was human,” I snapped back and he grabbed my shoulders, slamming me back against the brick wall.

“You're not anymore. I've stayed back, and let you live for decades, doing as you please, cleaning up after you, keeping you safe. What do you think is going to happen when your toy finds out you're a vampire, hmmm?” I tried to shove him back but he was stronger than me. He was older, faster, stronger, better than me.

“He's not going to find out,” I growled, my fangs clicking out, slicing into my bottom lip. His eyes flicked down to my lips and then back to my eyes.

“Then you're still just a naive little girl,” he said and I glared.

“I should've killed you,” I spat and he smiled.

“Perhaps one day I'll give you that chance.”

His lips crashed onto mine and I left his tongue dart out and lick the blood from my lip. My blood rushed to my head as my knees grew weak. I kissed back harshly, all my anger coming out as I bit his lip and scratched at his shoulders through his thin cotton shirt. He gave a groan and pulled back, breathing hard.

I pulled him back, pulling on his hair as hard as I could as my tongue tasted his coppery mouth. He groaned again and pulled my legs around his waist, pressing me harder against the brick wall.

I didn't pay attention to the world around us, or even the burning dumpster beside us. The reasonable part of my brain had flown the coop the moment his lips touched mine.

I locked my ankles and this time I pulled back. My head was cloudy. I had never made out with anyone like this. I would kill-

Jason was not going to be pleased. I pushed Lucas away, untangling myself from him.

“What happened?” He asked, licking his lips discreetly. I shivered.

“I have a boy-”

“He's a toy, you don't have a future with him. Give me one night to show you what it's like being a Creature of the Night,” he begged, and I stared at him.

“I- an- fine,” I grumbled. As much as I loathed him, I still had to learn from someone. Not to mention you can resist him, as much as you think you can. I swore mentally at the little voice.

He took my hand and we ran- and by ran, I mean flashed- around the city until we came to an upscale apartment building. We went around the back and Lucas grinned at me before scaling the wall. I stared at him with wide eyes for a moment, before trying my hand at climbing the wall. It was surprisingly easy to find handholds, and if there weren't any, my fingernails could dig into the cement like it was putty.

“I didn't know we could do this!” My feet dangled beneath me, my arms effortlessly dragging me vertical.

“Whatever you do, don't slip.” Easy enough.

Once we were 16 stories high, he opened a screen-less window with ease, climbed in, and then leaned out to help me into his apartment.

I looked around his apartment and found it was extraordinary. Paintings lined the walls, all the furniture was leather- probably real and important from some where- and all the walls were painted a dark blue.

He didn't bother with a tour. He turned back to me and we continued what we had started in the alley. None of it was clumsy or love-filled. It was all passion, anger, and hate.

“You held back when I was human,” I gasped as he grunted, his back hitting the floor.

“I would have broken you,” he growled and rolled us over, resuming his place on top. “You hold out on your human, don't you?”

His fingertips ran down my neck as he kissed my lips. Had I of been human, he probably would've cut my lips against my own teeth.

I shuddered and pushed him off, straddled his waist. His eyes glowed a pale gray in the dark as he stared at me. I leaned down and nicked his lip with my teeth.

“You're still holding back,” he pointed out and tore my shirt off with fluid accuracy. I made a small noise as he kissed my chest, my stomach, and then the delicate skin above the lining of my jeans.

He was an animal, shoving me into the floor, against walls, and into furniture until we were a heated mess in his bed.


I was in delightful pain when he rolled away and pulled my back against his chest, laying gentle kisses on my shoulders and the back of my neck.

“If being a Vamp is all about being fucked like that, I'm in,” I joked and Lucas chuckled.

“You should get back to your boy toy, before he gets home and finds you gone.” I looked at him over my shoulder and scooted away, putting space between us as I could get a better look at him.

“Kicking me out already?” He smiled softly, an expression I hadn't seen in decades.

“I wouldn't want to see you get hurt again, because of one of my selfish acts,” he explained and I sighed. Jason wasn't going to leave me because I wasn't home when he got home. I could come up with some believable lie excuse.


“Stay with me Isabelle. I understand you, Jason doesn't.”

“Oh, so now you know his name? That's not how this works, Lucas. You can't just screw me and expect me-”

“You don't love him, or else you wouldn't be here. You loved me once, why is it so hard to do so once again? We're the same, we need the same thing. I understand you better than he ever will.“ I kicked off the sheets and stood up. I picked up my undergarments, pants, and then went to the living room for my shirt.

Lucas grabbed my wrist, spun me around and kissed me so hard I stepped back. My legs grew weak again and my mind clouded. God, what does he do to me?

“Please stay with me,” he breathed and I sighed.

“Don't do this,” I begged.

“You can't just go back to him after this,” he pointed out and drew me to the couch. I was stubborn though.

“And I can't just tell him to fuck off because I had sex with you,” I snapped back and he kissed me again. I tore away and pushed myself away. I turned my back to him as I dressed, but I heard him move.

“Give me a-”

“I love Jason. I'm going back to him, I'm staying with him, and I wont be coming back to you,” I told him firmly, turning to look at him. I kept expression out of my face, and fought the urge to melt back into his arms.

He made me this. I was a monster. I fought the urge to kill Jason, because of what he had done to me. But he had also shown me a night that would not be easily forgotten.

“I don't blame you for leaving,” Lucas said, and I hadn't even noticed he was now wearing sweatpants.

As he ran his hands through his hair, multiple muscles rippled and I almost gave a moan, remembering the feel of those muscles under my fingertips.

I stepped toward him and kissed him, weaving my fingers into his hair and drawing him closer. He made a little noise and touched my hips. I pulled back after a moment, and then left, taking the elevator like a normal human being.
♠ ♠ ♠
Looooong chapter.