Not All Monsters Get Along

Terran: The Fey

“Terran, do you, like, ever wonder what life would be like out of the city?” The girl asked, passing the joint to the boy on her right. I think she introduced herself as Willow, but she was one of Lily's friends. Lily sat to my right and giggled a little at the question.

I wasn't as high as the rest of the teenagers in the group, being a Fey made me tolerable to most foreign substances, such as alcohol or drugs. I had to go through a lot to escape my reality, even just for a couple of hours.

I looked down at the pavement of the parking lot we stood in, somewhere between my school and Lily's. We leaned against Lily's car and kept an eye out for people. People weren't very likely around here, since everyone was either at work or school.

“I imagine it would be lovely, but lonely. Not as many people,” I replied and she nodded slowly, her brain processing the information slowly.

“Definitely. I think it would get, like, boring. People are so rad,” she said and I smiled stiffly.

Clearly you have not met very many bad people, I thought to myself. Lily laid her head on my shoulder and I kissed the top of her head gently.

The conversation went on without me until it turned back to me, only this time one of the boys addressed me.

“So, Terran, where do you go to school?” His name was Peter, and he had freckles on his face that made his brown eyes stand out more against his pale skin.

“West,” I answered and he nodded. He didn't seem as high either.

“Seems our schools hate each other; I'm going to Lucian.”

“I've heard of the rivalries, but I haven't really paid attention to any of them,” I told him truthfully and he smiled all teeth.

“Who cuts your hair? Do you go somewhere, like a Barber, since they like, specialize in boy hair?” He asked and I bristled. Lily's head snapped up and she stared at him. Lily had gorgeous red hair and these blue eyes that I drowned in just about every time she looked at me.

“Shut up, Peter. Don't make me light your hair on fire,” she snapped and struck the lighter in her hand for full effect. Peter sneered and his feet scraped on the pavement beneath him as he gained his footing.

“You're dating the freak, not me,” he hissed and walked away, ruining everyone's high for the time being. Lily whispered soothing words as the joint was passed around and Peter's spot was filled. I stared at his back until I couldn't see it anymore.

The Fey in me made my skin tingle and made me stick my hands in my pockets so no one would notice them shimmering into talons. I know where he goes to school. He shouldn't be able to get away with saying shit like that to people and just walking away after wards.