Not All Monsters Get Along

Isabelle: The Vampire

I typed furiously on the computer, a million things whirling in my head all at once.

“Baby, what are you doing?” A muffled voice came from across the room and I jumped. I smiled at Jason, and got up, using the skills I had developed to act as human as possible.

“I'm writing. I just, I got all these ideas, and if I don't write them down, I'm not going to remember them. I'll be in bed soon,” I lied. Jason came over and wrapped me in a tight hug. I relaxed in his arms, breathing in his very human scent. I ignored the perfume-like scent of his blood, and kissed his cheek.

“Just get some sleep, okay?” I nodded and he returned back to bed. I bit my lip, watching his hips move, highlighting the dimples in his back.

I ignored my own desires and settled back down.

I was writing about this very situation: a Vampire, who had fallen in love with a human, and was trying to hide what she was from the only person she loved. The protagonist struggled with containing her blood lust, and the want to tear his throat out. She had even begun to question what would happen when he began to question why she didn't go out during the day, or why it seemed like she hadn't aged a day since they had met.

I swore, my mind running blank all of a sudden. I saved what I had written and turned off my computer.

Lucas probably has answers to those questions. I could ask him what he would do, part of my mind suggested and I mentally kicked that part. There was no way I was going anywhere near the monster that had destroyed my life. He had taken my future from me, and doomed me to live in darkness, just like him.

I looked at the clock, and it was well past midnight: 2:36am. I wondered briefly if Lucas was up at this time, and mentally kicked myself again. Of course he was. He was a Vampire, he lived at night. I did too, but to keep up appearances with Jason, I had to sleep with him at night, which meant being awake and careful in my own apartment during the day.