Sequel: Isn't She Wonderful?
Status: Thank You So Much For Reading:)

Isn't She Lovely?


Isn't She Lovely?
Part 9

I smiled at myself. Did i really just Make Jessica Feel Like Crap?..Yes, Yes I did. I laughed at myself and turned to Harry. He smiled at me with his dimples and connected his hand with mine. I felt a shiver go down my body. I couldn't believe this, but one thing popped into my head. Ian. His face expression when Harry said I was his girlfriend. He looked heartbroken.

FlashBack (7th Grade)

I was under the basketball hoop, when Ian came towards me. He smiled at me and put a piece of my hair back. I smiled. My golden hair in the sun, and his brown eyes shining perfectly. His lips touched mine and sparks flew everywhere. I pulled back an inch, but he leaned in again. I felt him smile into the kiss. I did as well. At that moment, Ian was my first kiss and love.

Back to Reality

"Hey, you ok?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine." I said smiling.

"Hey, Who was that?...That guy?" He said raising his eyebrow.

"Oh, his name is Ian" I Said looking down. I could tell he was looking at me, so I looked back at him.

"Do you like him?" He asked looking a little angry.

"No! haha..NO!..Like Him?...NO!...Well I have since like 7th grade, but I'm over him now" I said as I stopped walking.

"Good!" He said kissing my forehead.

"Harry. Why me?" I asked changing the subject.

I felt like I've known Harry forever. "Because You're you, You're not scared to show people the real Olivia.You're a great dancer,You're talented, You're beautiful. Now I'm glad to call you mine." He said with his deep british accent. I smiled.

"You think I'm talented?" I asked him raising my eyebrow.

"Of Course!" He Said. I Kissed His Cheek. He Smiled.

We ended up at my front door. I heard Harry sigh He put a piece of my hair behind my ear. He leaned in, but thats when I heard giggling. I looked up to see Ally and Angel, laughing as they watched me. I rolled my eyes. "Bye Harry" I Said kissing his cheek. Once I went inside, I set my bag down and plopped my self on the couch. I sighed.

"OH MY GOSH! YOUR DATING HARRY FREAKING STYLES!" She said jumping up and down.

"Look Guys!" Angel said looking at her laptop. I read the caption. HARRY STYLES AND RANDOM BLONDE?! I read on and saw a picture of me and him Kissing. This can't be. I thought.

"OH MY GOSH! MY SISTER IS GETTING IT!!" Ally said. I gave her a weird look. "I'm still a virgin!" I said rolling my eyes. I laughed to myself. I checked my twitter. I've gone from 60 followers to 60,000 followers. I checked my mentions. Hate mail is all I was getting . "Harry Is To Good For You!" I read. "Your UGLY! Go DIE!" I read another. "I Think Your REALLY Beautiful, I'm glad you're dating Harry!" I Read. I clicked her follow button and smiled. Most of these girls were just plain out RUDE, but some were really sweet. I seen that all the boys followed Me. I also saw that my name was trending and that Harry and Olivia, Or #WeLoveOlivia Was Trending.

I woke up, in realization that I had a workshop to teach! I got dressed.

I told Ally that I would walk there. I really didn't want to talk to anyone because of all the stuff I read last night. I wanted to get over that, but most people already knew who I was because I was a dancer, one who everyone wanted to meet. Ally pulled me out of school a couple weeks ago, for a good reason, because first, I had to teach classes everywhere, Take photo shoots and worry about dance and now Harry. Im Now Taking Classes Online. Once I got to the dance studio and when I walked into the class, I was shocked At Who was There.

Ian and Jessica.
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Sorry Its Short. Had to pack. Hope You Guys Are Liking the story so far,