Status: Finished

God Bless the Children of the Beast

The "bass"ics

“So, Rocky?” I said, facing the bassist behind the counter. “Yeah that’s me.” He said. He seemed like a very laid back person, almost like Mick. I enjoyed him already. Plus he was quite the opposite of Jake. Jake on the other hand was just a jealous nutcase. I was beginning to think he only cared about me and not the band, and that just wouldn’t work. Besides that, I couldn’t guarantee I wouldn’t see Nikki very soon either…
“Were you serious, or were you just trying to kick him out?” I asked. “A little of both.” Rocky said, pushing his hair away from his face. “He has outbursts like that all the time. Thank God he’s not on drugs, I wouldn’t be able to deal with whatever terror that would be.” “Yet.” I mumbled, knowing how crazy my old friend was now I wouldn’t doubt him sticking his nose in things it didn’t belong in. “So you’re in our band?” Jake piped in, sounding skeptical. Rocky nodded slowly. “If I think you guys are worth my time, then yeah I’m game. After all Mick seems to like you for some reason, and I trust that guy.” “Great! So when can we start?” I cooed, getting excited. He yawned and glanced at the clock. “Help me close down for the night and we can play if you want.”
So of course we did just that. Rocky started counting up money while Jake and I inspected the shelves. Once we were in the back of the store arranging things that had been fooled with when Jake whispered “You think he’ll join us?” I glanced at him cautiously. His brown eyes were sparkling with hope. Maybe he did care about the band. Or maybe it was just me. “I don’t know.” I whispered back. “But we better make a good impression.” I stood up and clapped the dust off my hands. He glanced up at me eerily. “Not that Nikki helped any.” He grumbled, standing up beside me. “Oh, give it up already!” I groaned, rolling my eyes and stomping off to get Rocky. This dude was seriously starting to piss me off. I might be living in an alley if he didn’t stop this Motley jealousy.
Rocky had just finished counting up the money for the day and looked up at me. “Alright, we can use the equipment in here, so long as it all gets put back. There’s some extra chords in the back, so I’ll go grab those.” “Sounds good.” I agreed, going to the guitar wall to pick out one for me to play. I found a V shaped one, which wasn’t really my style, but I assumed it had good pickups. Rocky came back with the chords and grabbed a bass, plugging us both in. Jake had settled on a nearby drum set. “I don’t have any amp for you,” Rocky said calmly, obviously not wanting to upset the drummer anymore. “So just play loud.” Jake twirled a stick in his hand. “No problem.” “Song or jam?” Rocky asked me, obviously referring to me as the leader in our ragtag little group. “Jam.” I nodded confidently, remembering the last time. Jake called out the beat. “One, two, one, two, three, and-“ He started tapping out an awesome rhythmic beat. Rocky raised an eyebrow and after a second began to add a bass line. I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me, feeling the notes beat in time with my pulse. Instinctively my fingers found the fretboard and began to play. Play what, I wasn’t sure. But it sounded good.
Nikki crouched outside the window, watching the unsuspecting musicians play. He had to admit, they sounded good. But he didn’t like it. The truth was, there was no band practice today. He just wanted to come in and see for himself if Mick was telling the truth. Apparently he was. He saw the smile on her face as she glanced over at their new bassist. He saw the longing on the drummer’s face as he watched her when her back was turned. All of this made him angry for some reason. Did she really not notice how obvious it was that that Jake dude wanted her? And he couldn’t stand how defensive he was. He was always trying to pick a fight with him. What a loser. Nikki smirked and began walking towards his apartment. Fine then. Two could play that game.
Our jam ended up lasting a couple hours, and we were all wiped in a good way when we put up the instruments. “So, when’s the next jam session?” Rocky asked as he returned from the storage room. I grinned. “For real?” He shrugged and tossed his head to move his shaggy blonde locks. “Yeah, I enjoyed myself.” I nudged Jake and he grinned back at me. “Now we need a singer.” He said. I nodded my agreement. “Yeah, but who?” “Give me a day or two, I’ll see if I can come up with something.” Jake offered, pushing a black strand of hair behind his ear. “Alright.” I agreed. “Um Rocky, can we get your number?” He went over to the cashier counter and started digging around. “Yeah one sec, just let me find a pen…” He reappeared a moment later and wrote it down on a small slip of paper, handing it to me. “If I don’t answer I’m probably here.” “Great, thanks.” I smiled. Actually I had forced my smile to hide the smirk. My dream was finally coming together. Now I just had to make it a reality. Once I had my singer only one thing would stand in my way. Motley Crue.