The Crazy Runaways

Chapter 6 - Get Ready!

"This may sound crazy to you guys but I also met someone famous"

"Oh my gosh well who is it?" Jess said.

"It's Braiden from Before You Exit!"

"Wow, what a small world we live in, meeting famous people in this boat" Elisa said. "We would never run into famous people like this in Miami."

"Well aren't you gonna tell us how you meet him?!?", said Jess excitedly.

"Oh, yeah I was getting to that. Hold up, okay so I was hearing loud music outside the room and after hours of aggravation I decided to go and tell the people who were making the noise to keep it down

- Wait!" Max interrupted. You know the deep shit you could have gotten yourself into, damn your lucky you weren't caught and would have gotten kicked out of the boat!"

"I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't get into trouble because of him because he's cool like us and in case anyone was wondering we're just friends!" I said as I turned to glare at Jess.

"Hahaha! Well, bummer too! Seems like Max is the only one finding a guy on this cruise" Jess said teasingly.

"Since when has this been about me! I don't think I want to roam around the topic of Zach Porter nor Allstar Weekend right now!" Max said as she blushed.

Max was always a goody goody - without a little persuasion I'm sure she probably would have backed out of the decision of us going on the cruise AND probably would have regretted not going. This girl constantly changes her mind and I think she'll come around to the idea that there could be something going on between the two of them, I'm just waiting until she becomes the bold lioness she really is!!!

"You girls are truly crazy!! I still can't believe we are getting away with this?!" Elisa said relaxingly.

"Hey don't get too comfortable we have to get ready for the concert!" said Jess. "And maybe I can finally meet some cute boys?!"

"This girl never stops..." Max whispered as she shook her head.

"Well then lets hurry up, it takes time to look pretty girls!" Jess comanded

"You know what I think you should work on Max today... She needs to look ESPECIALLY pretty today, you know since she has a big day today!" I said anxiously.

"Step any closer to me Jess and I swear I will kick your ass!" Max yelled.

"Whether you like it or not your gonna have to wear makeup again, just be glad I'm not making you wear heels!" said Jess. "Maybe Zach even likes them fiesty!" Elisa laughed. "Oh my gosh I fucking hate you guys sometimes! I swear what bitches!" "Well whatever, your still gonna have to look good whether you like it or not and don't even think about backing out!"