Status: Updated not very often, sorry. But when it is updated, there'll be a lot.

Honey, This Mirror's Got Plenty of Room

Introduction of Frank and Way brothers

Rebel, they called me. Honestly, I have no clue why they call me that, I never swear, I always hand in my homework on time, I've never been grounded in my life due to the fact that I've never acted out in my life, and I go to church.
Does that sum up a rebel? I think not... But apparently they do think so.
Probably because of the fact that I have piercings, and a tattoo or two, and an odd hairstyle...jeez, people have no creativity these days, can't I express my emotions without being labelled?
So here I am, sitting in my dull catholic school, listening to some nun talk about calculus.

"Franklin, will you please come and solve this problem for us?"

No. Leave me alone with my thoughts you bitch, "Of course sister."

I get up and write down the answer to the problem on the board, whilst the dickhole jocks up the back cough insults at me, not very discreetly might I add.

"Thank you Franklin…oh, before you sit down," damn, I was so close, I'm not even a meter away from my seat.

"Yes sister?" I enquire.

"Well, we have some new students coming here, and since I'm the head of enrolling, it's also my duty to assign somebody to show them around, and I've met the new students and I think that they would relate more to your, er..." she sniffed, "" that bitch.

"Of course sister, I'd love to." Not.

"Good, you may sit down now Franklin."

Thank God for that.

"The new students will get here on Monday. Now let's get back to calculus everyone!" the nun squawked.

Great, only the weekend until I have two new kids as my responsibility...


On the way home from school I saw a removalists van across from my house, there were two boys trying to pull out a massive couch.

One had pale skin and long jet black hair, with a smallish nose, a massive grin adorned his round face. The other one was stick thin and kind of had a girly figure, he had brown hair plastered over his forehead and sticking up at the back, and thick glasses. The two seemed to be arguing about something, although the skinnier one seemed less animated about it.

"Mikey, for fucks sake! You need to get a better grip on this thing before you go shoving it at me!" the one with black hair cried out through giggles.

The other one, Mikey, reached up and pushed his glasses further up on his nose, "Don't you trust me Gee?"

"Don't take that tone with me asshole..."

What tone? To me, Mikey seemed to have a monotonous voice.

Mikey rolled his eyes, "look, I have a grip, I'm not gonna drop it on you, so just help me carry this damn thing inside, okay?"

The other one sighed, "fine, you'd better have a good grip, fucker."

They started to shuffle awkwardly towards the house, then Mikey spotted me. I realized that I'd been standing there staring at them this whole time.

"Hi!" he smiled, he dropped the couch and started walking towards me.

The couch pulled the other one down on top of it as it fell, he shrieked and sputtered insults at the boy called Mikey.

"I'm Mikey," we'll duh, "and that's my brother Gerard, we just moved here..." Gerard stood up and kicked the removalists van before flouncing over to us, "...obviously."

"Fucker! You promised you wouldn't drop it on me!!!" Gerard smacked Mikey on the back of the head.

Mikey grinned, "I'm just saying hi to the neighbours Gee, there's no need to lose your balls over it."

Gerard huffed, "a little warning next time would be nice, thanks."

Mikey rolled his eyes, "Gee this is, uh..."

"Frank," I spoke, "Frank Iero. I live in that house there." I pointed to my house as Mikey smiled.

"Cool, do you wanna come over tomorrow Frank? I mean, this fuckers not very good company, but I'll be there." he gestured to Gerard and grinned.

"Uh..." Gerard was looking me up and down in a slightly creepy way, "...sure" I muttered cautiously.

"Sweet!" Mikey jumped up and down on the balls of his feet, "okay, we've gotta go sort this house out, come on Gee Gee!"

Gerard looked right at me, and winked, before turning towards their house and calling out 'coming Mikey!'

Well, that was weird.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, let me know what you guys think...also, sorry if I accidentally made some grammatical errors, this fic's un-beta'd but I did the best I could :)
Comments would be helpful!
