Status: Updated not very often, sorry. But when it is updated, there'll be a lot.

Honey, This Mirror's Got Plenty of Room

I don't wanna know

I couldn't stop smiling, this was so fantastic.

"4 years?" Gerard gaped, "you haven't laughed in 4 years?"

I nodded my head, then slowly shook it, "not genuinely," that was a long time, but my life just hasn't been all too fun...I'm raised catholic, but it's sort of all bullshit (excuse my language) and I don't mean that I don't believe in a higher power, just not the power that Catholics like to believe in. But of course, if I said that to anyone in my parish, they would immediately start praying for me. So, no self-expression, and a dull family life, obviously that means I don't have that much of a cause to laugh a lot...

"Shit..." Mikey murmured.

I giggled again; the sound was so weird... "Does my laugh sound weird to you guys?"

They frowned, "no," Mikey said slowly, "why?"

I shrugged, "just thought it sounded a bit weird..."

"Of course it sounds weird!" Gerard exclaimed, "You haven't laughed for 4 motherfucking years!"

I rolled my eyes, it's not like I didn't know that, although thank you for pointing it out again Gerard...

Gerard sighed, and ran his fingers through his jet black hair.

"How old are you?" Mikey questioned.

"16, almost 17"

Mikey nodded absently, "okay...okay, we can work with that. What happened between age 12 and now to make you not laugh?"

I squirmed, I really didn't want to talk about my personal life with these guys; I'd known them less than 24 hours.
Gerard noticed my discomfort, "never mind that Mikey, the point is, he needs to laugh more! And I can fix that."

He slowly got up for where he was sitting on the chair around the table, and proceeded to tiptoe towards me. I realized what he was going to before he'd gotten within a foot of me.
I squealed and leaped over the table, practically falling over Mikey in order to escape from Gerard who was slowly descending on me.

"Gee! No!" Mikey shrieked in the most feminine voice he could muster, imitating me I suppose...I so did not sound like that.

I scrambled under the table, using a chair to block where Gerard was entering. I knew what he was going to do if he caught me. He was going to tickle me.
I screamed as Mikey grabbed me from behind, causing me to let go of the chair. Gerard moved the chair aside and crawled towards me. I was being held by Mikey, I struggled as much as I could, but it was no use. Mikey was strong for a twig.
As Gerard crawled closer and closer to me, licking his lips like a was something to eat. I remember thinking to myself just how hot he looked right before he reached me.

Then, he and Mikey tickled me.

I couldn't move, they were poking and prodding at my stomach and sides, and it tickled and hurt so bad. I was laughing so hard the tears were running down my cheeks, but I didn't want them to stop. Then, Gerard's hand moved slightly further down, towards my pants. Then lower. Then lower. Then his hand was almost massaging my crotch.
I shrieked, and pushed them both off with strength I didn't even know I possessed.

But, in my hurry to stand up and move away from Gerard, I forgot I was under a table. I soon remembered, because my head smacked right in to it, then everything went black.

I awoke to someone poking my face, none too gently either. I slowly opened my eyes and a blurry figure appeared.

"Oh, good, you're awake," Mikey said, worry evident in his voice.

I felt another sharp poke in my cheek, "Gee, quit it, he's awake."

Gerard snorted and poked me again, "I know."

I felt Gerard getting pushed away, and I felt both relieved and saddened about it.
I was blinking a lot, and slowly everything got clearer.

I was lying in the bathtub in their bathroom, Mikey was standing over me and Gerard was sitting on the closed toilet lid, grinning.
I frowned, and Gerard shook his head.

"Nuh uh Frankie, you gotta keep smiling. No more frowning for you."

I raised my eyebrows at him, "why the hell am I in a bathtub?"

"Oh!" Mikey cried, as if he'd forgotten where they were, "in case you hurled again, we don't want to clean our carpets any more than necessary."

I realized that he had implied that I threw up on their carpet. That wasn't good, throwing up on new friends carpets is never good. Would they be classified as friends? I think they would be, we get along quite well. Better than any of my other friends, and Gerard and Mikey are more interesting too.

"Sorry..." I murmured.

Mikey's eyes went wide, "oh no no no! That's fine," he nodded at Gerard, "I get way worse from this one."

Gerard coughed an insult a Mikey (not so subtly), and then kicked him in the shin (even less subtly).
It was quickly becoming apparent that nonchalance and subtlety weren't Gerard's strong points.

I still felt bad about throwing up on their carpet, but there wasn't much I could do. What's done is done.
I could however clean it up for them.

"I'd be happy to lean your carpet for you if you want?" I offered.

Mikey grinned at me and then shook his head, "nah man, it's already done. Besides, it wasn't your fault."
This is when Mikey glared at Gerard pointedly. This is also when I remembered what made me smack my head in to the table in the first place.

I eyed Gerard nervously, as Mikey glared at him. He just looked around sheepishly, then looked at Mikey and had a conversation with him about something.
I have no idea what the conversation was about, as most of it was communicated through eyebrow movements and mouth twitches, but when it was over Gerard turned to me.

"As an apology for trying to grope you, and in turn making you pass out, and then making you throw up, and for refusing to clean up the puke; I'm inviting you both to a party on the Friday coming up." He looked very proud of his way of apologizing, even though I'm sure it was all Mikey's idea in the first place.

I was curious about this party though. "What type of party?" I asked cautiously.

Gerard shrugged, "the normal type, might be a little boring actually. Bert won't be there."
Mikey sighed disappointingly, but I didn't really care about this Bert guy.

"Will there be...alcohol?" I murmured.

"Well, yeah."


Mikey and Gerard looked at me with unreadable expressions, Mikey answered though, "probably. Why? You planning on getting lucky?"

My eyes went wide and I shook my head, "no no! No I didn't mean anything like that, I was just curious..."

Gerard was smirking at me again.
It was making me both uncomfortable and strangely happy.

Mikey noticed the smirk too, and he elbowed Gerard harshly in the ribs.

“Ow! Jeez Mikes, what the hell was that for???”

Mikey just rolled his eyes, “so,” he directed to me, “you coming? It’ll be fun!”

I gave it no more than 2 seconds of thought. I was going to my first real party next Friday.
I nodded.

“Woo!” Gerard cried, “But like you really had a choice, I mean we would’ve forced you to go anyway.”

I had a short moment where I wondered how the hell they would have ‘convinced’ me to go to the party. I soon realised that I really didn’t want to know.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) I'll hopefully get to post another one soon.
I'm trying my best to write heaps of chapters this week, because next week school starts again and I probably won't get a lot of time to write much more, only post...
so let's hope this week goes well, and I'll try to post again soon :)
