Status: Updated not very often, sorry. But when it is updated, there'll be a lot.

Honey, This Mirror's Got Plenty of Room

Make Over

I followed Gerard up the staircase and to the left. I hadn’t been in this part of the house before, although I didn’t think their house could have anything else…I was sorely mistaken.

Gerard opened a plain white door and pulled me in as Mikey gently closed and locked the door behind me. I should have realised immediately what was happening, but for some reason I didn’t. I think I was trying to convince myself that what was about to happen, wasn’t going to happen.

It sounds like something traumatic is about to happen. If you’re thinking this, you would be right.

In front of me is a massive pale purple room. On the right side there is a long mirror, spreading all along the top half of that wall. Pushed against this wall are three tables, one with two boxes on it – one labelled ‘hair dye’ and the other labelled ‘make up’ – one with a hairdryer, a pair of scissors, hair gel and a hair straightener on it, and lastly, one with nail polish and a deadly looking contraption that had a sharp spike on it.
On the left side of the room there is a large set of speakers, and a rail that fits along the whole room. On this rail are many different types of clothes, all on hangers.
Facing opposite the door is a full length mirror.

In the dead centre of this room is a salon chair.

Gerard turns to me, a grin on his round, childish face.

The confused smile slowly fades from my face as it dawns on me. I turn my had slightly to look at Mikey, he seems bored as fuck but his eyes are sparkling.

No. “No.” I say out loud.

Gerard’s grin gets wider as he realises that I’ve caught on, he starts edging towards me. I slowly start to back away, but back right into Mikey, who pins my arms to my side and holds me still. He and Gerard pick me up and stuff me into the chair, which is where I start to wriggle in hopes of escaping.

Mikey holds down my hands and I look up at Gerard, “Look sweet cheeks, resistance is futile. There’s no way for you to escape – the door’s locked – and this is gonna happen either way, the only difference will be how good you look at the end of it. If you cooperate you will look ten times better than if you struggle.

I look around in hopes of finding something to help me escape, but there’s nothing. No windows, no loose pipes to break the door down with, nothing.

I sigh, and relax into my seat, as they wheel me a table on the right, and proceed to give me a makeover.


I’m looking in the mirror as Mikey smirks at me and Gerard squeals whilst jumping up and down and clapping his hands.

I actually look…good.

Like, really, really good.

I think I saw Mikey checking me out, and he’s not even gay. That’s how good I look.

I take a scan of myself in the full length mirror at the end of the room; my hair is dyed completely black, with the back spiked up and the front straightened into a fringe. I think Gerard called them bangs?
I’m wearing a tight black T-shirt with a picture of Freddy Mercury and David Bowie eying each other up, courtesy of Mikey, and a pair of tight grey jeans. Gerard has also somehow forced me into a pair of sparkly pink converses and a pink and black checked belt.
I have a nose ring now, and plugs. It hurts like hell, but I have to admit, I don’t look half bad with them, and it matches my lip piercing, so.
I’m wearing red eyeliner on my lower lid, black eyeliner on my upper lid and sparkly black eye shadow lined around my eyes, along with some lip-gloss. Thanks Gee.
And to finish it off, black nail polish.

And to think I thought I was wasting my day…

You may be wondering why I’m not at church seeing as it’s Sunday and all, and to be honest, It’s a stupid reason. My mum is too tired, so instead of going to church today, she and dad are praying by themselves at the shrine they built for Jesus at home. I managed to convince mum that Gerard and Mikey are very Catholic, and that we’ll pray heaps today to make up for me not going to church.
My mum should probably go to hell for that in my church’s eyes, but one of the reasons I love her is that she can tell when something is really really important to me, and usually, she lets me continue with it.
Like today, and how she didn’t force me to go to church, she let me go to the Way’s.

“Frankie, I’m pregnant.” Gerard’s voice floated back as I heard him say that.

My eyes widened, “What???”

Gerard grinned, “Oh, so you can hear us!”

“Dick…” I muttered.

Mikey patted me on the back, “That’s right, call him names. We know you don’t mean it.”

“Why did you say that in the first place?” I questioned.

Gerard shrugged, “I’ve been talking for about 5 minutes and you haven’t even acknowledged it, I was checking that you were listening. And obviously you weren’t.”

I blushed a little as Mikey rolled his eyes, “sorry guys, I guess I just zoned out a little…”

They nodded, and Gerard went on with what he was saying before he announced his pregnancy to us, “so as I was saying before my pregnancy announcement, you are as hot as the fiery sun Frankie-babe.”

I grinned, “Really? You think so?”

Gerard and Mikey both nodded, their heads looked like they were gonna fall off.

“If I didn’t like boobs, and if my dick wasn’t the only one I ever wanted to touch, I would be all over you Frankie.” Mikey said solemnly.

That…was kind of a weird thing to hear. I mean, not recently because Gerard and Mikey say those sorts of things all the time, even to each other. But usually, nobody would dare say that because the people I hang out with are too damn religious.

Actually, yesterday Mikey was telling us about his girlfriend, Alicia, and how he wasn’t sure whether she liked him as much as she claimed she did. Gerard promptly told Mikey that he was a hot piece of ass, and that it was good that Alicia appreciated him. It was a little weird to hear, but by that point I’d had heard enough sexual innuendo’s that I didn’t really mind.

God…I wonder how people at school are gonna react to them…

“Hey,” I started, “you guys know that it’s a uniform school you’re going to, and I’m not gonna be able to wear this…right?”

“We know,” Gerard shrugged, “this was just for today. You’re keeping the makeup, hair and piercings though.” Mikey nodded along with him

I looked at myself in the mirror, “Mum’s gonna kill me…” I murmured to myself, and a small smile grew on my face as I thought of my dad’s reaction. He’d probably shit his pants. And I just knew that the church was gonna pray for me next Sunday…that was something to look forward to.

Mikey came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder, “If you don’t like it, you shouldn’t feel obliged to keep it. No matter how sexy it makes you.”

I shook my head, “no, I love it. I’ll keep it. But uh…I don’t own any make up, so I might not be able to recreate the eyeliner and everything…”

I felt Gerard put something in my hand; it was red and black eyeliner, as well as a small compact case of eye shadow. “Keep it,” he smiled, “you can borrow my lip gloss tomorrow.”

I was really gonna do this. I was really gonna go to school like this. I just hope I don’t get teased too badly…

I looked at my watch, “shit, guys it’s almost 7, I need to get home and help mum with dinner.”

“We get it man,” Mikey patted me on the back, “I’ll walk to school with you tomorrow?”

“Sure,” I looked over at Gerard, “aren’t you walking with us too Gee?”

He shook his head, “sorry guys, I’m meeting up with Bob, Ray and Spencer. You’re sitting with us at lunch though, right Frank?”

They peered curiously at me as I weighed up my seating options for lunchtimes; either sit with the boys from my church group and listen to them talk about their weekends with their rich parents, where I don’t get to speak my mind, and I’ll have to sit through their lectures on my style choices. Or, I could sit with Mikey and Gee and their friends and actually have fun.

“Yeah, I’ll sit with you guys,” decision made.
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Hey Guys, I hope you enjoy! I'll try get the next chapter up soon :)

<3 <3 <3