Status: Updated not very often, sorry. But when it is updated, there'll be a lot.

Honey, This Mirror's Got Plenty of Room

A New Beginning

Chapter 6:

My parents weren’t too happy with my new look.

Actually, that’s putting it very, very lightly.

I did however convince them to let me keep the piercings and at least wait for the roots to show heaps before changing the style of it into something ‘more suitable’.

I’m not allowed to wear makeup though…well, at least, not in front of them. I’ll just get Mikey or Gerard to do it at their house tomorrow morning before school. And then I’ll just have to swing by their house before I go home to take it off. Yay for lying to parents!

It’s 3am, and I’m lying in bed trying desperately to go to sleep. I think that kind of defeats the purpose; you can’t really go to sleep if you’re putting all of your energy into sleeping. You’ll just stay awake.

I check the clock every hour on the hour, and when it gets to 6am I start to drift off. Unfortunately, I drift off into a dream. Fortunately, for the first time in a long time, it’s slightly different to my usual dreams. Well, very different actually.

I’m falling down a dark hole, and I feel the angel pulling me up, when another angel grabs me to help pull me up. I get to the top of the hole, and I lie down on the sand of the beach, when I actually look at the angels. It’s fucking Freddy Mercury and David Bowie. Freddie Mercury is still alive, what even…
The sand comes alive and begins to swallow me up, and dream me says as my vision blurs out; “I fucking knew you guys were angels…”

And then my alarm goes off, 6:45am on the dot. Well, at least I’m hanging out with the Ways today…maybe they’ll let me nap at lunch…

I get up, and look at myself in the mirror, feeling proud of my hair. It’s gained an extra foot in volume overnight at least.
I smooth down the front as best as I can, using some of the gel that Mikey gave me and showed me how to use. Apparently I’m meant to use a straightener too, but I don’t own one of those, so unfortunately my fringe will have to learn to live with gel only.

I finish with my hair, and grab my uniform, slowly buttoning up my white shirt and stepping into the navy blue and extremely itchy pants they give us. I swear, the only good thing about this uniform is that the school shoes code allows me to wear black Dr Martins, the rest of the uniform is itchy and unnecessary…

After struggling with my tie and finally managing to do it up, I’m ready to go downstairs and face my parents. There is bound to be some disagreement over my hair again, but there’s not really much they can do, it’s quarter past 7 and Mikey’s coming over to get me at half past.

I grab the eyeliner Gerard gave me yesterday and my schoolbag, and I start the descent of the stairs, placing the eyeliner in my pocket.

“…can’t let him see them anymore…”

I stopped, listening to my parents talk.

“Francis you can’t just stop him seeing them, he really likes them. And they go to his school; do you expect me to let you lock him in his room?” My mum was defending me…wow…

“Well Linda we can’t just let him keep going off with them, they’re hooligans! Did you even SEE the way our son came home yesterday??” Thanks dad.

“Yes, I saw the way Frank came home yesterday. Happy. He came home happy. And I am not going to let you take that away from him! You have no right!”



“…Linda, I’m sorry –“

“Don’t ever do that again. Do you hear me? Never again.”

“This is MY family Linda! I will do whatever need be done to keep it safe.”

“No,” My mum was getting really angry now, “No, if you ever touch me again like that I will take Frank and I will go. I love you Francis but that is not acceptable, you do not treat your wife like that.”

“I will treat you however the hell I –“

The floorboards where I was standing on the stairs creaked. I knew they knew I was there; I might as well come out now.

“This is not over.” My dad murmured as I entered the kitchen.


After an awkward breakfast with my parents, the doorbell finally rang, signalling Mikey come to save me. I think the real issue was that my parents didn’t know how much of the conversation I had heard. Enough. I had heard enough. My dad did try to raise the issue of my hair again, but after giving him a look of what I can only describe as disgust he let it go.

I grabbed my bag, gave my mum a kiss goodbye, and met Mikey at the front door. I guess mum noticed a lot more than I gave her credit for, I thought she had no clue how miserable I was, but she defended me. Saying that I was finally happy…I owe her big time. And I owe my dad a slap.

“Hey, it’s the man of the hour!” I was greeted by Mikey and Gerard today.

“Hey, I thought you weren’t walking with us today Gee?”

“I’m not Frankie-babe, just saying hi and bye. I’ve said hi, now I say bye!” I got a peck on the cheek, and then Gerard was gone.

I looked at Mikey with confusion, “how come you didn’t get a kiss?”

Mikey shrugged, “just unlucky I guess.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Been a while! I'm sorry it took me so long to get this up :( I stopped writing for a bit and then picked it back up, there's a couple more chapters after this one. Hope you enjoy them!