Status: Updated not very often, sorry. But when it is updated, there'll be a lot.

Honey, This Mirror's Got Plenty of Room

No One Likes a Bully

So as it turns out, Mikey is almost as good at applying makeup as Gerard. ‘I learnt from the best’, he tells me with a straight face.

We’re on our way to school now, and with every step I can feel my panic increasing…god this was a stupid idea, I’m going to get in so much trouble from the teachers, they’re already on me for my lip piercing. Now they’ve got plugs and a nose ring to yell at me about…and the makeup! I don’t even want to get started on the makeup…

Maybe I should just tell Mikey that I’m not feeling well. That this isn’t a good idea. I could just spend the day at his house, as long as his parents aren’t home…actually, I’ve never met their parents. How could I not have met their parents? I spent the whole weekend at their house, and I was there this morning, but I haven’t seen their parents! Oh my god, what if they’re serial killers. What if they killed their parents, and I’m next!! Oh shit what if –

“Hey Frank, you okay there?”

“Yeah, I’m cool. Why?”

“You uh…” Mikey looks at me wearily, “You’re looking a bit green.”

I shrugged, “I guess I’m a bit nervous about today…all the kids seeing me like this.” I motioned to my new parts to explain ‘this’.

“Ah,” Mikey nodded, “Well I think we have some time, we could tone it down a little if you wanted –“

A large shadow suddenly loomed over us. It was Dean Hanson. You know how some schools have school bullies? Usually they’re at public schools, but every now and then there’ll be one at a private school, and they’re ten times worse because the teachers love them? This guy was that bully.

I went still. I did not need Dean Hanson this morning. Or ever, but that was kind of given.

“Hiya Iero! Who’s the four eyes? New meat?” Dean started his way towards us with his meathead cronies. Come to think of it, I don’t actually know their names. I nickname them crap-bag, dumbass, and brick-head.

“Hey Frank, who’s the fuck-face?” Who said that…wait, was that Mikey?

Dean looked at Mikey for a moment. Not angry just yet, just intrigued. “Who would you be referring to as fuck-face little man?”

“You, fuck-face.”

“…” He wasn’t really expecting that I don’t think.

I took a glance at Mikey, he didn’t look scared or anything, just incredibly bored. I fucking knew it, the Ways were trying to kill me…

Dean was looking at Mikey too, silent for a bit, then “I’m really going to enjoy this.”

He started towards us again, and I started to panic, “Dean don’t, he’s new, he doesn’t know the rules.”

“Well I’m gonna have to make sure he remembers them then, won’t I?” Dean laughed, along with his cronies.

Mikey cleared his throat, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

Dean, dumbass, brick-head, crap-bag and I all looked at Mikey. He looked back at me, I hoped to convey my confusion through my expression.

“You’ll make him mad.” He finished his explaining.

Dean glared at him, but his expression was strangely amused too, “Who? The faggot known as Iero here? So what, he doesn’t worry me.”

Mikey shook his head and pointed past Deans’ ‘friends’, “No, him.”

I peered to see past them, not that I really had to, they all moved to see who Mikey was looking at too.

It was Gerard. He was with a senior who I’d seen around before, and some other guy who I’d never seen before.

Gerard slowly started walking forward with the two other boys, a smile appeared on his face, “Hello there gents, having a bit of a disagreement are we?”

Dean looked Gerard up and down, and decided he wasn’t a real threat apparently, because his attitude didn’t change for a second, “Nope, just finishing up with these two. Now if you wouldn’t mind, fuck off.”

“Actually, I do mind.”

“Oh do you?” Dean started on Gerard now, but apparently he wasn’t having that.

“Ray, Spencer.”

The two boys who were previously behind Gerard had now grabbed Dean by the arms, preventing him from moving.

“Hey!” Crap-bag yelled, going for Spencer who only shrugged him off.

Before any of Deans followers could attempt to attack Ray or Spencer again, Gerard brought out a knife and held it to Deans’ face.

Smiling again, “Well that was fun. Now, don’t try anything guys, or else your pretty leader here won’t be so pretty anymore…So tell me – what was your name again?”


“Dean, lovely name…Dean, do you see those boys over there?” He motioned for Spencer and Ray to turn Dean around so he was facing us, “That’s my brother, Mikey. And that’s my Frankie. If you, or any of your little friends touches either of them…whooo boy, you will regret it, lemme tell you that.”

“What? You and that faggot got something going on or –“ Dean started to talk, but Gerard cut him off by pressing his blade to his cheek.

“So what if we did? Would that change anything?”

“Well…” Dean eyed the boys holding him, then Gerard, then the knife now being playfully stroked by Gerard, “No..?”

“Good! Gold stars for all!”

Ray and Spencer let Dean go and Gerard put his knife away, Dean straightened himself up and his followers quickly went to stand menacingly behind him.

“Come on guys,” Dean motioned and he started to walk off.

Gerard called after them, “Oh, Dean darling?” Dean stopped, and turned to look at Gerard again, “I meant that you know. If you touch them, I will kill you.”

Dean paused, then nodded, and continued walking away.

“Hey Gee,” Mikey patted Gerard on the back, “nicely done. Ray, Spence, always a pleasure.”

The boys grinned and nodded at Mikey.

I was kind of speechless. What the hell just happened?

Apparently I said that last part out loud, “well Frankie, my sweetheart,” Gerard started dramatically, “I just saved your skin. Now come over here and give me a kiss.”