Status: Active

Blighted Soul

Chapter 21

You’re such an idiot, my mind screamed at me. That’s the boy you love, and you’re letting him walk away.

I slid down the side of my car with my hands tangled in my hair. My mind was a jumbled mess of misery and hurt, but all I could think about was Evan. He was all I ever thought about.

You’re doing it again, I thought to myself. You’re getting so emotional that you’re pushing the one you love the most away.

I had to talk to him. I had to apologize for making him feel like he was unwanted. I couldn’t let it end up like last time. Sighing to myself, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed his number. It rang once and went to voicemail. He’s ignoring me. I have to go to him.

“Caleb!” My mother’s voice called from the front of the house. I stood up and walked to her.

“What is it?” I asked, not at all in the mood. I had to talk to Evan. As I looked up at her, I realized that her face was somber; completely out of character for my mother. She was usually so vivacious, always smiling.

“Your father and I need to talk to you,” she said in a grave voice.

“Can this wait—?”

“It’s important.”

I was taken aback by how serious she looked. Silently cursing myself, I followed her into the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter's kind of suckish. :/
I'll be sure to make the next one better.

Thank you, everyone, for the lovely comments:

Miss Shadowlurker