By The Mercy Of Nightfall

Lilly and Collin have always been inseperable. and now through raging hormones, love, and a nasty side effect from full moons, they need eachother more than ever.
  1. Forgive, but never forget
    Collin finds lilly laying on a picnic table in a park and they start to reconnect after not seeing eachother for two years.
  2. Some Fires Never Burn Out
    Collin recounts his perspective on the night that lilly's parents died
  3. Love Never Dies
    Collin takes Lilly to his house
  4. If Only You Knew
    Lilly and Collin kiss for the first time. Or do they?
  5. Heart of Fire
    Lilly and Collin's friendship is as easy as breathing, it's been that way for as long as they can remember.
  6. Daydream Away
    Collin arranged for a special surprise for Lilly