Status: Uhm, slowly updating, so bare with me D:

A Part of My Heart

P.O.V. Cassadee

P.O.V. Cassadee

I yanked my hand back from Harry, placing my hnds firmly on my hips. "What is your problem?" I demanded, glaring over at the fuming boy. He lost his mind! He looked as if he wanted to kill the guy back there... I grabbed his arm, turning him to look at me. I shrunk back under his hrad gaze, but didn't let him go. I had to stand my ground, sort of at least. "What was that back there?" I asked, calmer this time. He heaved a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his hair. He looked back down at me, anger slowly melting away leaving all of his features soft.

"I'm sorry, I just- I didn't mean to- He just-" Harry paused not being able to find the right words and gave a long sigh. "I just... didn't like the way he was talking to you," he mumbled, frowning, pulling away from me and started down the street. I stood there for a moment, letting his words sink in before letting out a laugh. I hurried after Harry, jumping in front of him with an eyebrow cocked.

"You didn't like the fact that he was.... flirting with me?" The words left my lips slowly. My friend automatically turned the vibrant color of a tomato, and gave a shrug.

"I guess so..."

I smiled at the fact that he answered it so honestly and linked my arm in his. "Harold, you can't always scare off any boywho flirts with me," I giggled, sticking my tounge out at the boy. He looked down at me, heaving a sigh at the use of his proper name.

"Can't I?" He commented back, returning my childish gesture.

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We started down the sidewalk and made a turn into the home improvement store. Thirty minutes, 5o wooden boards, 2 hammers, and 1,ooo screws and nails later we had finished our project shopping. The only problem, we had absolutely no way to get it back to the tree. Harold and I were stuck. That is until the manager offered one of his employee's to drive us with the supplies in his truck. So before we knew it, there we were back at the tree, out supplies layed out on a tarp in the midst of the snowy ground.

"You know, we really should have gotten 'How to Build a Tree House, For Dummies'," I snorted, as Harry began to nail boards into the side of the tree trunk. He rolled his eyes as he went onto another.

"I know what I'm doing," He assured me, but he knew about as much as I knew about building things. And that would be, nothing. Sure the steps up the tree would be the easy part, but what happens when we have to actually build the house. I began to feel unsure if I would feel all that much safer in the one we build than the original. Not to seem like a pessimist or anything. Just saying.

"Okay, okay. If you say so," I sighed, handing each board up to him as he climbed up slowly but surely. After several wooden planks nailed deep into the trunk, Harry had reached the fort.

"Stand back!" He called down to me.

I ran a few feet away, hiding behind the trunk of a tree that looked even older than our own. Piece by piece, Harry peeled the rotting boards from their home, allowing them to plumet where I once stood. I came out from hiding after the last board feel to it's death into the pile of rubbish. Grabbing a new plank from the supplies pile, I climbed the steps and passed it on to Harry. Repeating the process over and over again, took hours on end to complete. The sun sunk low in the sky, beginning to dip below the horizon, the sky growing draker by the minute, but sure enough we finihsed. And there at the top of our tree sat amoungst the branches was the brand new fort.

I stood on the ground, admiring the boy in the forts handy work. It wasn't perfect, nowhere near. It was lopsided, with splinters, cracks, not to mention there was no roof (we ran out of boards, but if anyone asks we wanted a skylight). But all those imperfections made it perfect to me and settled a smile on my face.

"Cassee, get up here!" Harry shouted, grinning down at me as he leaned over the edge of the tree house. I hurried to the steps and began the exhausting climb. I was nearly out of breath by the time I reached the top, Harry helped me to my feet and led me to take in the view. "You've got to see this..." He whsipered in my ear, his warm breath sending a shiver down my spine.

He let go of me, allowing me some space as I looked over the edge of the fort. I breathed out, my eyes taking everything in. It was beautiful. Now I knew why we had this tree. Now I knew why the climb was so long. This view, gave you a clear view of the on going snowy forest. It set a smile on my face as I turned back to the boy that made all of this possible.

"It's amazing.." I breathed and wrapped my arms around the boy's waist cuddling close to his chest, absorbing his comfort and warmth. Everything about being here with him felt right. I wouldn't change a thing. He returned my embrace, holding me close. I smiled against his chest as he rested his chin on top of my head.

"I know," He chuckled, his best vibrating.

I pulled away from him, the smile still securely placed on my face. "Thank you," I sighed, taking a seat on the floor of creaking boards. he gave me a questioning look.

"For what?" The boy replied, sitting down across from me criss cross. I chewed on my lip, trying to lock down on one specific reason, but I couldn't. there were so many swarming around in my head. So, I just sighed and leaned back, my eyes watching the sky as all the color slowly drained from it and faded to black, little shining pin pricks appearing one by one until the sky is cluttered with them.

"For... everything," I muttered through, my chattering lips. The cold was setting in on my body after a day spent out in it, but I refused to let it show. "For today, this place, breakfast." I was quiet for a minute, then glanced over at Harry. "For being there." I yawned, laying my head back against the wood and closing my eyes. My body trembles, the freezing air sinking through my clothes and sending goosebumps all over my skin. This wouldn't ruin a perfect night, but I could already hear my teeth chattering filling the air along with the crickets.

I nearly jumped out of the fort at the feeling of cloth setting ontop of my upper half. "It's okay," Harry chuckled, at how suddenly my head snapped up and my eyes blinked open. He had draped his jecket over me, leaving himself with only his hoodie as defense against the harsh wind. I frowned, thinking he was about to go back to his spot and freeze to death. When suddenly he did something that surprised me. He settled down next to my shaking body and wrapped his arms around me. I didn't protest to this action as I shifted, leaning into him as my eyes watched the stars.

"You know, I'm not quiet sure I trust our handy work enough to lounge up here all night," I laugh softly, my eyes never once leaving the night sky, but I could feel Harry's eyes drift down on me and I could only imagine the fornw settled upon his face.

"Do you want to go back down to your house then..?" He asked quietly and I could hear in his voice the pleading for me not to go. I smiled, turning to face him.

"No," I say softly, leaning my head against his chest as a yawn slips out. Exhaustion set in slowly as we sat in a comfortable silens\ce for god knows how long. My friend chuckled, giving my shoulder a gentle shake.

"Come on, Cassee. If we fall asleep out here, we're going to get sick," He informed me, gingerly pulling me to my feet. He threw my arms around his neck, told me not to let go, and slowly climbed the two of us down the steps. We reached the ground with a quiet thump and the brunette boy situated me for the long way back home, picking me up bridal style and started off into the dark. It's safe to sat, after that point I fell into a deep sleep. For the second time since the hospital, a dream played in my head.

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There I was as a little girl, laying on the floor of a wooden fort, the tree house, my eyes closed and my hands folded together rested onto of my stomach. If I hadn't of known better, I could have assumed I was dead, but this wasn't the case. A young boy, which I recognized on spot as Harry jumped out from the corner with a wide grin. He walked over to me and took one of my hands.

"I saved you, princess!" He chirped, waiting for me to arise. I opened one eye too look at the boy then closed it.

"You're supposed to kiss me awake," I whispered out of the corner of my mouth. Harry frowned, dropping my hand.

"No, I'm not," He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and sticking his nose in the air. I sat up, staring Harold Styles down.

"Yes, you are," I huffed back, getting to my feet and mocking his stance. His eyes narrowed.

"Says who?" He demanded, stomping his foot.

"Says the fairytale council!" I exclaimed. "You have to kiss me, Harold. If you don't kiss me, I won't wake up. And if I don't wake up, then the evil queen will win. And if the evil queen wins, then fairytale land will fall into the dark times. And if the fairytale land fall into the dark time, then everything will DIE. So, you have to kiss me, Harold! Don't you see?" I pouted, showing that this was no joke.

He sighed, knowing well that I would win this arguement. I had a feeling that I always did. The boy rolled his eyes, but listened to me and leaned over. Then I was blinded by a sudden light.

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My eyes, fluttered open as I sat up, my heart skipping a beat as I came to see that I was in the comfort of my own bedroom. A smile slithered onto my face at the thought of my dream. It had to be more than that, it had to be. I knew it to be true as I fell back into my mattress, smiling. I sighed happily, thinking that maybe, just maybe, Harry's plan might work. Slipping out of bed, I skipped out of my bedrrom, down the hall and through the living room into the kitchen. As I reached the kitchen door, I paused as my mind registered that someone was sprawled out on my couch.

Cautiously, I took a few steps backwards and turned to face the couch. Sure enough, there lay my curly haired boy, a blanket pulled all the way to his chin. I smiled slightly at his soft snores and tiptoed over, before taking a seat on his stomach, taping my hands on the blanket that covered his chest.

"Harry...." I whispered, excitedly. "C'mon, Harry. Get up!" I insisted, my fingers drumming along his chest. He groaned quietly, shaking his head and swatted at me. I hit him back, giving a mildly loud, "Hey!" His eyes slowly opened, giving me a sleepy grin.

"That's what you get, trying to wake me up..." He chuckled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. My mouth instantly dropping.

"You KNEW it was me and you still hit me?" I gasped, slapping his chest once more before getting up off of him and taking a seat on the edge of the coffee table. He shrugged, smirking. "I assumed," he muttered, getting up from the sofa, the blanket dropping to the floor. My cheeks went aflame as I swivled away from the shirtless boy, keeping my eyes to the floor.

He just laughed, picked up his shirt that lay crumbled up on the floor and slipped it on. "Sorry," He mumbled, obviously find the situation hilarious. I bit back a smile and faced him.

"I had a dream last night..." I started, a grin breaking out on my face. I couldn't find the words to tell him, so I tackled the boy in a hug. "I think it's working," I muttered, feeling him return my embrace at my words.
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You all are amazing, so this is for you.