Status: Uhm, slowly updating, so bare with me D:

A Part of My Heart

P.O.V. Cassadee

P.O.V. Cassadee

It was 11:30 am as I furiously rummaged through my closet for something worth wearing. Ever since seeing that TV show. Ever since seeing Harry on that TV show, I've been on edge. My stomach now full of crazed butterflies and my heart beating a hundred times faster. I don't know what to do with myself. Hell, I can't even pick out an outfit without feeling self-councious!

Chewing on my lower lip, I pulled a plain grey, long sleeved shirt over my head, put on a piar of blue jeans, and slipped on a thick coat. Running a quick brush through my hair, I darted out of the room and down the hall, coming to a hault at the sight of my mother.

"Where are you off to?" She asked with a knowing smile, as she picked up her briefcase from the floor. My cheeks flushed slightly as I tried to shrug it off.

"Oh, you know... Just going to see Harry," I muttered, attempting to act casual, but was unable to bite back the smile that tugged at the corners of my lips. She jerked her headtowards the door, grinning.

"Off you go then," She chuckled. I hurried past her, pulling on my boots and opened the door. "Wait." She caught my wrist gently, then let go. "I don't have work tomorrow and I was thinking about taking a small trip into London. I thought that you might want to come. We could get you some new clothes and maybe pick out a tree like we used to.." There was a hopeful glint in her voice as it faded.

A tree? Why on earth would we need a tree? We live next to an entire forest of them! I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean pick out a tree...?" I asked slowly.

"Well, you see, we haven't got a christmas tree yet and I figured you'd enjoy the search," She responded, smiling as if recalling every Christmas past.

"Yeah, of course. I wouldn't miss it!" I exclaimed without hesitation, a surge of excitement running through my body. She gave a nod, leaned over and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Great. All right then, go and have your fun..."

Grinning, I sprinted from the house.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A minute had gone by. Then ten. No, thirty minutes. Wait, make that fourty-five. Or has it been an hour? Maybe more than that... I can honestly admit that I don't have a clue anymore. But what I do know is that, here I can standing all alone, in the middle of a blizzard, in a tree house. With no Harry. The boy is absolutely nowhere in sight as I scanned the area for sign of movement. There was nothing. No one. Just me, a whole lot of snow, and a bunch of old trees.

I frowned as I glanced down at the watch fatsened to my wrist. 1:12. He had said to meet him here at noon, but it was way past noon and he was nowhere to be seen! I tugged my coat closer to my body in hopes of absorbing some extra warmth, but none came. I was shaking in my boots as, not only snowflakes hit me, but harsh winds whipped around slapping my face and left it raw and stinging.

My mind went back to seeing my friend on the television. He had fame aparentally, he must have riches, thousands of dedicated fans and lets not forget about all of his high class, attractive friends. A matter a fact, he's prbably out having a good laugh with those amazing friends right about now. That's why he's not here...I scowled at the thought. I had just gotten something back and now I had to compete to keep him? No. There's no competition. I'm nothing to compete against. I have nothing. I am nothing.

I set off down the ladder, done with waiting for someone who would never come. Harry Styles obviously has better things to do than hang out with a nobody like me, I guess...
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm going to do better about updating from now on :)
I'll udate this story at least once a week, amybe sometimes twice a week if your lucky.
I promise, you guys!
And keep an eye out because my next chapter will be released tomorrow c: