Status: holidays now so i can write

What Makes a Song a Hit?

forgive and forget

“listen alex..” ben started “whatever I did to you, I am really sorry” he sounded pretty sincire, reaching his hand over the table to lightly brush mine. I pulled away and motioned for him to continue, causing him to look hopefil “according to the guys, I was pretty smashed the night before you lef, and I don’t remember a thing, I remember us fighting. I know we were both mad and I know I went to the bar” he suddenly got a scared look on his face “kitten…I need you to tell me what happened that night, because I can’t remember a thing” my face dropped.”james is blaming himself for your leaving because apparently I disappeared and he sent you to find me” he got a sad expression on his face and waited for me to tell him what had happened “Ben, I don’t really want to talk about it” I choked out, I stood up and began to walk out of the little coffee shop, hoping he wouldn't chase after me, but when he did I felt a little spark of something in my chest.

He chased after me “kitten, I didn’t rape you, did i?” his voice sounded terrified as he grabbed onto my arm, I pulled away quickly and a look of hurt crossed his face “no, but you bloody well tried!” the volume of my voice was getting louder. “shit.” He sat on the curb and put his head in his hands, “and when you said no I hurt you?” he guessed. “no” I cleared up for him “the pain came before the clothe removal” I chuckled, a look of horror crossed his face, I sat next to him and slowly leant my head on his shoulder. “ I left because I couldn’t feel safe around my best friend in the world, I was even scared of Jimmy for a while, what if he got drunk and hurt me too?” I sighed and put my hand in his, squeezing it gently “look ben, I forgive you but im gonna need a little time before I can trust you completely again” his face lit up and he squeezed my hand back, he had the biggest smile I had ever seen on his face “does that mean you’re moving back onto our bus?” He asked. I laughed “I’ll try” his face softened. “Jimmy’s not my biggest fan right now is he?” he looked a little sheepish. I laughed “that’s probably the biggest understatement of the year” we started laughing and stood up. We began walking toward the bus together, hand in hand, both with the biggest smiles on our faces.
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sorry it's so short, at least it's a chapter <3 comments are yay?