Status: holidays now so i can write

What Makes a Song a Hit?

lots of yelling

As Ben and I were about to walk onto the bus together we heard a commotion from inside,it sounded like Jimmy and the AA guys having a shout off. Sam seemed to be surprised about something “WHY DIDN’T SHE TELL ME THIS?” Sam asked, yelling “MAYBE BECAUSE SHE CARED ABOUT THE BAND AND YOUR RELATIONSHIPS?!” Jimmy argued, defending me. “BUT THIS IS TOO FAR! SHE’S MY LITTLE SISTER AND THIS IS ABOUT HER SAFETY” Sam cried “I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR HER” he stressed. I heard someone walk over the floor toward jimmy’s direction and james’ voice joined in “WELL NOW SHES GONE AND YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WATCHING HER!” he yelled . “WELL WHY DID YOU LET BEN GET TO HER?” Jimmy was getting louder. Suddenly Cameron joined in “HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW THEY’RE TOGETHER?” he asked “I DON’T KNOW FOR SURE BUT WHEN I LAST SAW HER SHE WAS SCARED AS FUCK OF BEN!” Jimmy began getting angry “HE NEARLY RAPED HER FOR GOD’S SAKE!” I looked at ben, he looked guilty as I shuffled away slightly.

Suddenly there was a noise behind us, we turned around and Andy stood there, looking furious. I gasped in pain as he grabbed me by my still bruised wrist and held me behind him “stay away from her!” he yelled at ben. Ben glared at Andy and narrowed his eyes “she’s MY best friend” he countered, moving to grab me back but Andy pushed Ben backwards and me further behind him. “andy” I sighed, “he’s okay” andy ignored me and the bus door opened. Jimmy saw Andy’s defensive pose in front of me and rushed to my side, glaring at ben “What’s going on, are you okay Alex?” he asked, “come on, lets go” he grabbed me by the waist and held me to his side pulling me toward the A7x bus. “hey!” Sam protested “who said she’s still staying with you guys? She IS my little sister, I can protect her!” he yelled. “well obviously you cant protect her can you?” he growled “judging from last time! I mean, she came running to me! crying about not feeling safe on your bus, or around you guys!” he began pulling me with him again.

When the Asking crew began to protest something inside me snapped. “hey!” I growled, I got no response as I stood there; the guys were all too busy yelling at each other. “HEY!” I yelled over the top of them. Everyone’s neck snapped to face my direction. I stepped out of everyone’s reach and they looked at me, shocked. “THAT IS FUCKING IT!” I continued, rage flashing in my eyes, I lowered my voice but kept my tone demanding “even since this went down I’ve been told what’s going to happen and who I can be friends with. I don’t belong to ANYONE!” I took a deep breath. “Kitten?” ben took a step toward me, everyone suddenly got tense “no!” I yelled “I’m not finished!” he stepped back with a look of shock on his face and everyone quickly shut the fuck up, not daring to mess with me and I quickly continued; “I am NOT a pet that you’re trying to win custody of. I am 16 year old girl and can choose whoever the fuck I want to move in with! if ANY of you think you have a say in what I do and where I stay, then you’re sadly mistaken” I finished. I began to walk off but turned around to quickly finish “and I certainly don’t need to deal with this sorta shit on my birthday!” I yelled as I turned back and walked into the woods surrounding the field that the busses were parked.

“Shit” I heard Sam growl. “I knew it was her birthday” Ben gloated triumphantly “SHUT-UP BEN” Cam yelled, and the fighting continued. I couldn’t believe that they were still fighting, even after that whole speech! I sat at the base of a tree in the foetal position and sobbed into my knees, Dreading having to face them later.
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comments are appreciated <3 xP