Status: holidays now so i can write

What Makes a Song a Hit?

settling in

We stopped at an apartment complex, I got out of the car and we all grabbed bags, I got the lightest, I guessed that this was done on purpose. We made our way to an elevator and got in, Sam pressed the button for the top floor and we waited in silence until danny spoke “so Alex, how old are you?” he asked, a little mischief in his voice. I looked at him helplessly before glancing at Sam, he was glaring at Danny “she’s 15 danny, and she’s mute, she wont speak to you” he said, an almost angry tone to his voice. Was he mad because I wouldn’t speak? He used to get mad when I was little. Danny looked surprised, but unfazed by Sam’s angry tone “really? I didn’t know that! Why didn’t you tell me that Sam, why are you mute? Danny was speaking a mile a minute, his questions brought back memories from my childhood and I stiffened. Sam noticed and rubbed my shoulders in a comforting way.

The doors of the elevator opened and I rushed out, Sam opened the door to a giant apartment, the door opened to the living room and three men sat on the couch. They looked up as we entered, and soon all three men were looking me up and down, earning a glare from Sam. Danny looked exited, “hey guys” Sam began “this is my little sister Alexandria, she’s fifteen and mute, so don’t get any ideas, Alex, this is Ben, James and Cameron”. I looked at them shyly and smiled, ben looked at me and grinned “ hey there love, heard a lot about you from Sam, glad to have you here” the other two nodded in agreement I smiled at them before noticing that all three were focusing more on my chest than my face. I tugged on Sam’s shirt, ‘where’s the bathroom?’ I signed, all five men looked confused as hell, then I remembered, Sam didn’t want to learn sign for me when I became mute, this would be more difficult than I anticipated. I grabbed my phone and texted the question to him, he looked at his phone “ohhh” he realized “come here hun” he grabbed my wrist and led me to a small bathroom.

I sat on the counter and put my head in my hands ‘it’s not so bad’ I thought ‘they’ll get over the fact you have tits and things might not be so awkward anymore’ I reassured myself. I flushed to make it look like I’d used the bathroom and made my way back the living room. Sam and the guys were in the living room having a conversation, being the snoop that I am, I listened in to what they were saying.

Dude, why didn’t you tell us your sister is so hot?!” ben exclaimed
“don’t you fucking think about it ben” Sam whispered “she is off limits, she may not look fifteen but she’s a minor and I don’t want you touching her, ANY of you”
They all muttered a defeated “fine” and I heard them all sit down and relax.

I chose this moment to move through the doorway, silently making my way to stand next to Sam, still untrusting of the four new strangers. “hey listen, Alex” Sam started, he sounded wary “we don’t really have enough space for you to have your own room so you’re gonna have to sleep with Cam, that okay?” the rest of the guys groaned, except from Cameron who grinned triumphantly to himself. This scared me, the prospect of sharing my bed with a strange man didn’t exactly appeal to me, but I suppose I’ll be fine, Sam would scare him so bad he wouldn’t dare make a move on me. I nodded and Sam grabbed my suitcase, he took it to a room that I assumed belonged to Cameron and set them in the corner.

I looked at the clock, it read 10:30 pm. I yawned and Cameron chuckled, “sounds like you’re ready for bed, love” he grinned, smiling slightly, I nodded and moved to the bathroom to get into my pyjamas, they consisted of a pair of hello kitty boy shorts and an oversized avenged sevenfold shirt that had belonged to one of my ex-boyfriends. I walked out of the bathroom, cameron came into the room wearing only a pair of boxers, he looked at me and his eyes widened. Sam came into the room and grimaced at my shorts; he came and kissed my forehead. I climbed under the covers; Sam gave Cameron a warning glare and left the room. After Sam left it took Cam a while to recover, he climbed in the other side of the bed and I tried to distance myself from him as much as possible, just to be safe.
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thanks for your comments :) hope you enjoy chapter 3 :P