Status: holidays now so i can write

What Makes a Song a Hit?

ashamed to show my face

Sam stared at my wrist, he seemed frozen, I stood there in horror, trying to believe that this was all a nightmare. “Alexandria Bettley” he choked out, close to tears “what in the hell are you thinking doing that to yourself!?!?!” he began yelling, getting louder and louder, he raised his hand. I stepped back and cowered against the wall, my eyes shut, expecting a slap or punch to the face. When I felt nothing I opened my eyes, Sam looked confused, he looked at his upraised hand and back to me. A look of shock crossed his face and he pulled his hand down to his side, in a split second I took this distraction to run into the bathroom, which Cameron had now left, and locking the door behind me.

To be honest, I was terrified of Sam right now; he began banging on the door “Alex! Come out please, come out!” he pleaded. I sat with my back against the counter, huddled up to my knees. I couldn’t face him, or any of the other guys for that matter, it would be too embarrassing. I heard the guys yelling at sam to be quiet “shut up! You prick my head is killing me” I heard from Danny, the others just groaned. “Fuck off!” he yelled “Alex! Open the door! I’m not going to hurt you! I just want to talk about this!” he was crying now. I heard footsteps, “what the fuck are you yelling about you dickwad!?” I heard Ben asking. I listened as Sam explained, choking the words out. He could hardly speak he was crying so hard “she’s been cutting herself, I didn’t even notice! Am I that stupid?! Now she won’t open the door” he sounded defeated, I heard footsteps move away from the bathroom “alex?” I heard ben whisper “alex, sam is gone, open the door, you can talk to me” I stayed quiet, he sighed and I felt myself slowly passing out.

I woke up on the bathroom floor, I looked at my phone 10.30 in the morning, had I slept that long? I heard snoring from the hallway, who had fallen asleep at the door? I stood up and looked in the mirror, I felt so dirty, I turned the tap on to wash my face. The noise must have alerted the sleeping person outside to my awakening I heard them sit up against the door. “Alex?” Sam sounded tentative, “Alex I brought you some pizza, you haven’t eaten I ages, you got to have something” I suddenly felt helpless, I couldn’t just sit here for the rest of my life, what was I gonna do? I had to come out sometime, and what would Sam do? Either never let me out of his sight again, or hurt me, which is what I feared the most.

I sighed and traced the scars on my wrist, then lightly touched the fresh cuts. Tears welled up and poured down my cheeks, would Sam or the guys even want me around anymore? Now that they know I’m mentally unstable? Sam tried to speak to me again, he sounded furious “Alex….did dad ever hit you?” I gasped, remembering that day 5 years ago.
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oooh! cliffhanger, im such a bitch. comments are always appreciated <3