Gotta Be You.

Letters From The Heart.


I guess I'll start with i'm sorry. I'm sorry that I kissed that girl. I'm sorry I let you walk away. I'm sorry I didn't keep looking for you after you left. I'm sorry for everything. I don't know why I do some of the things that I do. I'm a screw up and I know that. But I also know that I am so in love with you. It hurts though because sometimes I get the feeling that you don't love me and that feeling is worse than the day I woke up and you weren't there.

Do you remember the night we spent together just after we met? You were 16 and I had just turned 17. We snuck out and met at the local cinema and bought tickets to the worst movie on the list. It was late so the theater was empty. We weren't paying any attention to the movie. We were too busy throwing ice chips and popcorn at each other and chasing each other through the seats. We actually ended up falling asleep on the floor. I never told you but that was one of the best nights of my life.

And then there was the night we shared our first kiss. I remember it like it was yesterday. Me, you, Eleanor, Louis and the rest of the boys took a trip to Liam's family's lake house for the weekend. We all laid out under the stars on our last night there, telling each other our secrets when I suddenly leaned over and kissed you right on the mouth. You pushed me away and blushed but from then on when no one was looking, we shared secret kisses anywhere we could. Hallways, bathrooms, playground slides, even in the kitchen of the bakery I worked in.

God, I missed you when you left. It was so sudden. For a while I thought you had just gone to the store but when you didn't come back, I just knew. I didn't really ever stop crying. I mean, I had good days, where I was too focused on my work to think about you but then every night, when I went home to an empty bed, I broke all over again.

I don't know why i'm even writing this. I just feel like all my words are coming out as a giant jumbled mess and they don't make any sense.

Someday, I hope you can forgive me for the way I treated you. You're special. My only one. Why I decided to make out with that girl, i'll never know. It's a mistake i'm going to have to live with for the rest of my life.

I don't know what else there is to say but I don't want this letter to end. This letter ending means that i'm going to have to seal it and it'll make tomorrow come even faster. I don't want to say goodbye to you. God, I love you so much and i'm sorry I hurt you.

Always yours, Harry.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just, omg. :(

I have no words for what I wrote. My heart is broken.