Wonderfully Confusing

At one point in life, love was actually blamed on Gravity. This being the result of something so scientific attempting to explain something purely based on faith. Faith in no measure can be explained: A human emotion so raw, primal, so delicate and familiar that none of us actually know how to explain it.

Something so excruciatingly strong and irreplaceable that people are willing to die for it... Willing to die for the object of their affection.

As the social species that we are, we prefer to bond into groups. Communities if you prefer. A community where each member has something in common: Whether it is genetics, hobbies, race or even language. Yet you find that the greatest love is shared between those who have so little in common: Such little in common that you can barely form a scientific reason for their affection towards each other.

Romeo and Juliet for example, one of the most tragic love stories ever told. Romeo and Juliet had so little in common, in fact they were barely acquainted when they proclaimed their love for each other. But still they died for each other... For their ‘love.’ Edward and Bella, Danny and Sandra, Snow White and Prince Charming even Beauty and The Beast. A love so simple that it cannot be explained or understood, yet they lasted the centuries being told as some of the greatest love stories.

It’s simply the most wonderfully confusing concept known to man.
