Status: I love you Mathew Saunders.

Never Knew Love Until I Met Him

1. So we begin.

It was the week of my birthday. It was also the first day of school. Things were changing for me. I sat on the bus as I listened to Avenged Sevenfold. I was getting into their old work like, Sounding the 7th trumpet, City of evil, Ya know, the old stuff. The bus was rolling down my street and stopped at a house that we never stopped at. There were 5 guys, the first one entered the bus.
I looked at him and he looked back. I then quickly looked down. He had brown hair and green eyes. He had muscles that looked like they were gonna rip out of his Guns-N-Roses shirt. I turned my iPod to Nosferatu does a hefty dance by Pinkly Smooth. Then the 2nd guy entered. He had black and purple hair, and green eyes. He had muscles as well. He saw me and smiled a little at me. His friend sat in the seat infront of me, As well as he. The 3rd guy came in. He had black hair and blue eyes. He sat in the seat behind me. The 4th and 5th guys came in, One of them was short, I'd say about, 5'3, or 5'4. I felt my stomach drop cause the first male that got on the bus was staring at me and my pale skin.
The 5th guy sat down across the aisle from me. The bus got rolling again, and I sat there and looked at my iPod. Just then, The male with the Black and purple hair tapped on my shoulder, I jumped. He smirked, and i took my earbuds out. "Uh, Im Zacky, I wanted to tell you that you have beautiful blue eyes." Zacky said. I nodded and made half a smile. The male that was in the G-N-R shirt stood up and sat next to me.
I felt my stomach drop. "Hi, Im matt." He said, with a hug. My eyes got wide. "Im Nikki." I said, putting my phone in my pocket. Matt smiled and put his arm around me. I swallowed and the other 3 introduced themselfs.
"Hi, Im Jimmy." Said the tall one. I smiled at him.
"Im Johnny." Said the short one.
"Im Brian." Said the brown haired one. I smiled and nodded. "Nice meeting you guys, Are you all new?" I asked. They all nodded. "I see, I dont have many friends, so you dont have to hang around me." I said. They all smirked. "We want to hang with you. You seem cool so far." Jimmy said. I smiled a little bit. They all looked at me. "Look, We maybe in a big band, but remember that we do care for people. Matt's ex was a player and a bitch. So, yeah. Jimmys ex, She was the same way." Johnny said. I smiled. "Thanks, That makes me feel better." I said. Matt and the guys looked at me and smiled. "Anytime, Now, lets get into the school." Johnny said. I stood up and grabbed my books.
We left the bus and entered the high school. Matt and the rest of the guys followed me into the student union. A guy i knew who bullied me last year took ahold of my shoulder and slammed me against the wall. "Where's my fucking money bitch?" He said. I gave the guy his money. He smiled and kissed me. "I love you baby girl." He said. The guy let me go and matt tapped on his shoulder. Alex turned around. Matt took his shirt and punched him. "Touch my girl again and I'll break every bone in your body." He said. I looked at Matt. Jimmy picked me up off the ground and made sure my beanie was on right. He smiled. I bit my bottom lip and then Alex looked at me.
"You can have your girl when im done with her." Alex said. Matt punched him again. I looked at Matt. "Jimmy, Johnny, Take her away from this bastard." Matt said. Jimmy and Johnny smiled. Johnny whispered in my ear: "Wheres the art room?" I picked up my book bag and went down the music hall. It had the bandroom, Choir room, ROTC room, and the Art room at the end. The 2 smiled and sat next to me.
I took out my notebook and pencil. Johnny and Jimmy looked at what I was drawing. I started sketching a deathbat. I had my phone out. In our school, If we used our phones for educational purposes, We didnt get them taken. It was great. I finished the deathbat and Matt came into the art room. "Ok, he wont bother you again." Matt, Brian, and Zacky said, Smiling at me. I smiled and then showed them my deathbat. They smiled.
"Wow. Thats great." The guys said. I smiled and the first bell rang. I gathered my stuff and smiled. I went to my locker and the guys went to theirs. Brians was next to mine, Jimmy's and Johnny's were upstairs. and Matt's was down the hall. I sighed. "Who do you have 1st period?" Brian asked. I looked at his scheduale. "We have the same classes." I said, walking up the stairs to English. I was a Junior in high school, so i had English 3. Brian was a Junior too. We smiled and went to Mr. Arthur's room.