Status: I love you Mathew Saunders.

Never Knew Love Until I Met Him

10. At Warner Brothers Studios.

I pulled up to Warner brothers studio in orange county California. I parked my car and got out. I looked at the building and went inside. I saw the lady at the front desk. "Hi, Im Nikki Haner, I was called for a record label and i was suppost to meet somebody about the label?" I said. The lady smiled. "Alright Ms. Haner, Right this way. Mr. Wissinger will see you here in a bit." She said, returning to her work. I smiled and sat down.
I put my earbuds in and looked up videos on youtube.

~20 Minutes later~

Mr. Wissinger came out with another client and then looked at me. "Ah! Nora! Is this Ms. Haner?" He asked. Nora nodded and looked at her computer. I smiled and took my earbuds out. Mr. Wissinger smiled. He was tall, I'd say about 6 foot tall and was wearing an Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt. I smiled and shook his hand "Hello sir." I said. He smiled. "Please, Call me Devon, Ms. Haner." He said with a warm smiled. I smiled and looked at him.
"And please call me Nikki." I said. Devon smiled and led me into the office. I sat in a chair that was infront of his desk. He smiled and then sat in his desk chair. I sat there with great posture. "Alright, Nikki, We would like to sign you over with a record label. What band will you be performing with?" Devon asked.
"Im just my own band, I produce my own stuff and i record on my own." I said. Devon nodded and clicked away on his computer. "Alright, What would you like your one man band to be called?" He asked. I bit on my lip. "I really never gave any thought." I said. Devon nodded. "Well, do you think you can come back tomorrow?" He asked, looking at me again. I nodded. "Yeah, Anytime after 2:55 is fine." I said.
Devon and I stood up. We shook each others hands, and i left the office. I went back outside to my car and sighed. I sat there in the camaro and started it up. I turned on Outnumbered by The Devil Wears Prada. I sighed and drove home.

~20 Minutes Later~

I got home and kind of fell into a dark depression. I got out of the car and looked around. I felt the need to go to the basement and lock myself in. Jimmy and Matt saw a great disturbance in me. I sat there for almost an hour, trying to figure out what to name my one-man-band. I sighed and started sketching out the logo that i wanted. It was a heart with a knife and blood. It looked really epic to me.
I put a few words on the paper. They said: "Angel's Poison Kiss" My eyes got wide. I smiled and looked at the logo. I smiled and then got up and grabbed my bass. I went into the studio and started playing Not Ready to Die by Avenged Sevenfold on Bass.

~Meanwhile upstairs~

Matt looked at Jimmy. "There's something wrong with Nikki." He said, with a worried face. He sighed and looked at Matt. Matt looked at Jimmy. "And I've noticed your behavior too. What's eating you man?" Matt asked. Jimmy eyes of depression turned into rage. "YOU TOOK MY GOD DAMN WOMAN YOU ASSHOLE! YOU KNOW I LOVE HER!" Jimmy said, tackling Matt on the ground and holding him down.
He was choking, so Johnny decided he was gonna step in and pull Jimmy off. "DUDE! She's just a girl, She's not worth losing your best friend over!" Johnny said, holding Jimmy back, giving matt the chance to run. Jimmy's eyes turned from rage to sadness so he sat in the floor. "Bro, you know how much I love her." Jimmy said, with tears in his eyes. I was concerned about the screaming so I went upstairs and saw Jimmy with tears in his eyes.
I looked at Matt and then Jimmy. I sighed. "Matt, Come here." I said, looking at him. Matt swallowed and followed me into the kitchen. I sighed and looked at him. "Matt, I think it would be best, If we saw different people. It would be better on Jimmy, and you." I said. Matt looked at me with sad eyes. "NO! I wont let you leave me!" He shouted. Johnny and Jimmy heard from the other room, So they rushed to the kitchen. Matt took me by my wrist as I tried to leave. I tried to break free from his grasp.
I wasnt strong enough to break free. I looked at Matt and then the other 2 rushed in. "Nik, Whats..." Jimmy started as he saw Matt holding my wrist, and hurting me. I sighed and did what had to be done. I jerked my wrist and matt held on tighter. So i did again, and broke my wrist. I screamed and matts eyes got wide. I sighed and looked at him with tears in my eyes. Matt looked at me and then his hands.
He ran up to his room, and Johnny picked me up. "Jimmy, get my keys and drive to the hospital." Johnny said, carrying me outside to the SUV. I started crying more and more. Matt felt so terrible, so he wrote a note and packed for the night. I was crying really hard. I couldnt move my wrist, and i cried harder. Johnny helped me into the back of the SUV and Jimmy got into the front to drive. I was in Johnnys arms and Jimmy kept glaring at me and Johnny, and then the road. He was scared and so was I. Jimmy got to the hospital and they brought me in.