Status: I love you Mathew Saunders.

Never Knew Love Until I Met Him

11. At the hospital.

Jimmy got out of the car quickly and ran into the hospital. Johnny had taken his shirt off and used it as a sling for me. I was leaning against him, with tears still in my eyes. "Alright, Nik, Im gonna lay you down and then help you out of the car." Johnny said, with his beautiful light brown eyes. I nodded at him with tears still in my eyes. He sighed and kissed my forehead. "Its all going to be alright Nikki, You'll see." Johnny said with a smile. He got out of the car and then helped me out of the car. I had tears in my eyes still.
Johnny took me in his arms and carried me in. "Johnny, My legs arent broken." I said, with sobbing pain. He nodded. "I know, i wanted to carry you in." He said. I nodded and they put me in a wheel chair. I sighed and they sent me to room 2B. I sighed again and let the pain come and go as it wanted to. Johnny and Jimmy sat in the room with me. Jimmy looked at me and then my wrist. I closed my eyes.
"Nikki, I... I didnt want you to break up with matt if it was going to cause mass hysteria and make you break your wrist." Jimmy said, swallowing his words so he wouldnt cry. I licked my lips and then looked at Jimmy. "It's alright. Im fine, I'll just get a cast, and then we wont have a problem." I said, looking at my wrist. They both looked at me. "Nikki, No its not alright, Matt made you break your wrist. Its not alright." Jimmy said.
I looked at Jimmy. "Yes it is. Because im the one who caused it to happen, and im the one who broke it myself." I said. Jimmy looked at me and sighed. "Why?" He asked. I sighed. "Because, I knew he would react this way, and i just want to be left alone." I said. Jimmy looked at me. "What do you mean?" He asked. I sighed.
"I dont wanna go out with anyone right now." I said. Jimmy and Johnny nodded. I sighed and the doctor came in and did x-rays. I sighed as they left.

~An Hour and A Half Later~

The doctor came back in and I was sleeping. They woke me up and I looked at the doctor. "Alright Ms. Haner. Your wrist is Indeed broken, So, If you will come with me, We will get a cast on there, and then get you outta here." The doctor said. I nodded and got out of the hospital bed. I sighed and then looked at Jimmy. I got out of the hospital bed and went with the doctor. The doctor took me to get my cast. I sighed and looked around.

~20 minutes Later~

I came back into my room. Johnny and Jimmy weren't in the room. "Ms. Haner, I will be back in a bit, to get your paper work and stuff." said the doctor. I nodded and sighed. I sat down and then found the note that Johnny left. I opened it and it said:
Nik, Jimmy and I went home to see your brother. He called us and said he needed us. I know you dont have a ride, But we are sending Brian to come and get you. I love you Nikki.
Love and Hugs from Johnny Christ.
I sighed and looked at my purple cast. The doctor came back in and Brian had pulled into the hospital. He went to the front desk. "Nikki Haner." Brian said. "Room 2B, Honey." The nurse said. "Thanks." Brian said and rushed to room 2B where i was. I was filling out the hospital bed and using my right hand. I was ambidextrous so it didnt matter what hand i used. Brian opened the curtain and saw me filling out paper work.
"Nikki, Thank god." He said. I looked up. "Im fine, I just broke my wrist." I said. Brian nodded and i finished the paper work. The doctor came back in and looked at me. "Here's the paper work." I said, handing him the clipboard. He smiled, and took it from me. "Alright, Is he your ride Ms. Haner?" He asked. I nodded.
"Alrighty then, See ya." He said. I smiled and left with Brian. I was having more of an anxiety issue so i tried to hide it.