Status: I love you Mathew Saunders.

Never Knew Love Until I Met Him

14. Monday Morning


Matt woke me up at about 6:45 am. I took a deep breathe and stretched out. I sighed and looked at matt, who was in a towel after a shower. "That's hot." I thought. Matt smirked from hearing my thought. He smiled and pulled me out of bed. I slumped over and scratched my head. "Whats wrong?" He asked.
"Its too early to be up." I said. Matt smiled.
"Alright then, Why dont you get out of bed and I'll make you some breakfast" Matt said. I smiled.
"Ok, Thats fine." I said. Matt smiled and grabbed his boxers and slipped them on. I didnt look cause I had respect for matt and his body, as he did for mine.
I stood up and then took matt's guns-n-roses t-shirt off. He went to his mother.
"Matt, does Nikki have any clean clothes with her?" Nicole asked. Matt nodded his head no. "Alright, Well, Tell her to go to my room and then we'll get her situated." Nicole said. Matt nodded his head and then got me.
"Nik, Mom wants you to meet her in her room." Matt said. I nodded and gave matt his t-shirt. He smiled and then slapped my ass as went passed him. I smiled and then went to Nicole's room.
"Mrs. Saunders? Matt said you needed me?" I said, with my clothes that i wore yesterday in hand. She nodded.
"Yes dear, Call me Nicole please." Nicole said. I nodded and she gave me a pair of skinny jeans and an avenged sevenfold t-shirt. Nicole even dug into her box full of jewelry. She smiled and gave me a heart shapped necklace that had nails through it. I smiled and she gave me a blue pair of gages. It made me happy. "There ya go." Nicole said. I smiled.
"Thank you, but i didnt need anything." I said. Nicole smiled.
"Sweetheart, you dont have any clothes with you, or anything to make you all pretty like. I wanted to. And your a good girl. Ive never seen matt so happy." Nicole said. I smiled widely.
"Alright then. Thank you nicole." I said. Matt was in his room. He held a black box with a ring in it. He smiled and then thought, "Dont ask her for a while. She may get creeped out a little." He put the ring box into his nightstand drawer. I went back to matts room and smiled. "Ready?" I asked him. Matt nodded and kissed my cheek. "Yes baby girl." He said, with a smile. I smiled and went downstairs with my clothes and my keys. "We're gonna take my car. Cause Ive got places to go after school." I said. Matt nodded. I opened up the drivers side to my SUV and then threw my clothes in the back seat.
Matt got into the passenger side and smiled. I turned on Lose Yourself by Eminem on my iPod. My iPod was hooked up to my car and so I blasted the bass. He smiled and held my hand. I smiled and pulled out of his driveway and headed towards the school.


I parked and then turned off the car. The guys were already there. Brian was sitting on Johnnys car. They were talking and then Brian saw me pull up with matt in the car. I sighed and popped my hands. Matt smiled and got out. He met the guys at Johnny's car. He smiled at the guys. "So, you guys made up?" Jimmy asked.
Matt nodded. I got out of my car and headed towards the school. I had early morning exams so i could graduate early. Matt smiled as he watched me walk to the school. "Bro, shes pretty fuckin hot today." Jimmy said. Matt nodded. "I agree." Matt said. The bell rang and matt looked at the guys. Johnny and Zacky jumped off the hood of his car.
Matt walked in with the guys and went to their locker.