Status: I love you Mathew Saunders.

Never Knew Love Until I Met Him

17. The last chapter of my breathing life.

The guys looked at me and matt. "Alright, change her." Brian said. I looked at my brother and then the guys. Matt picked me up and set me on the bed. He kissed me one last time as a human. "I love you." He whispered, caressing my cheek and closing his eyes. I could tell he was hungry. The guys smiled. Brian looked at me and him. Matt kissed the spot where he wanted to bite. It was my sweetspot.
I moaned a little bit. "Look, you're not having sex. Quit kissing her sweetspot and get it over with." Brian said. I swallowed really hard. I closed my eyes and matt kissed a different spot, penetrating my skin. I felt the venom and chose not to scream. My skin went pale, my heart had stopped. Matt kept drinking. Brian bit his bottom lip.
The guys watched. My skin was ice cold to the touch. My eyes turned a deep purple and my fangs grew. I was a vampire. I was like matt and the guys. They all smiled and looked at me. I stood up. I looked at them. My hair went pitch black. Matt hugged me and i smiled, melting right into his arms. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked down at me and kissed me. I kissed back and smiled. "Nikki, welcome to the family baby sister!" Brian said smiling. I smiled back and hugged Brian. He hugged me back and held me protectively.
I smiled and Matt looked at Johnny. "So, does this mean that she's gonna be able to come to our shows a lot more?" He asked. Matt nodded. "Yeah, and maybe she can play a little guitar, or bass. Or sing a little, or take Jimmy's spot every once in a while." He said with a smile. I smiled and hugged him back. "Ok, so I wanna spend a little time with brian." I said. They nodded and matt kissed my cheek. "Welcome to the life baby." He said smiling. I smiled back and kissed his cheek back. Matt left and shut the door.
I smiled and pat the bed next to me, signaling for Brian to sit next to me. He sat next to me and kissed my cheek. I hugged him. "Bri, will you stay in here and sleep with me?" I asked. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Of course." He said, turning Im not ready to die on by Avenged Sevenfold. I smiled and hugged on Brian. He looked at me and smiled back. "Nikki, Im glad matt changed you." He said. I looked at Brian.
"Because it doesnt make me want your blood 24/7." He said. I smiled and turned on Skyfall by Adele. I couldnt make up my mind of what i wanted to do. I smiled and kissed Brians cheek.
"Bri, What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked. He sighed.
"Me and Jimmy were gonna go and work on our English projects and then I think Johnny, Matt and Zacky were gonna go out and do something. What that is, I have no idea." Brian said. I nodded and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.