Status: I love you Mathew Saunders.

Never Knew Love Until I Met Him

2. In English

I was still getting used to the fact that Matt had beat up Alex. Alex walked into Mr. Arthurs English class and looked at me. Brian looked at him and then looked at me. I had the face of worry. Brian took my hand. "He's not gonna hurt you Nikki. We made that clear." Brian said. I nodded and looked at him. English started and Brian sat down. "Hello Everyone, Im Mr. Arthur and welcome back. Lets gets started so Im gonna pass out your books to you." Mr. Arthur explained.
I sighed and looked at Brian. He took a sheet of paper outta his notebook. I sighed and he called my name. "Nikki Haner" Mr. Arthur said. I let out a big breath of air and sighed. I got up and got my book. "Here you go miss." He said, smiling. I made a fake smile and went back to my seat. Brian looked at me and gave me a note.

"He's not gonna hurt you." Brian wrote.
I got scared cause Alex was staring at me.

"How do you know?" I wrote and passed the note back.

Brian quickly wrote the note and handed it back. it said: "Well, you're all of our responsablility, so we're gonna take care of you."

I wrote back: "Why me?"

"Because, We think you have a kind heart, and nobody should be treated that way." He said, passing the note back to me. I smiled and swallowed hard.

"Nick, Dont worry, He's not gonna hurt you, We all have decided hes not gonna get to you. Now, can we all come over tonight?" He replied again, smiling as he gave me the note back. I smiled, and wrote back.

"Sure, As long as you dont mind my dad, I live with him, because my mom and step dad are looking for a place in Jacksonville florida." I replied.
Brian smiled and gave me a smile.

The bell rang and me and jimmy went to the cafeteria for breakfast. I went through the line and we got our breakfast. I sighed as we went to the art room. Jimmy saw a great disturbance in me. He sighed and sat down next to me in the art room.
"Nikki, Tell me whats going on? Please? If its about this alex kid, im gonna break his spine in half so he doesnt bother you any longer." I sighed again.
"Why am I your guys' responsibility?" I asked. Jimmy smirked. "Because, we.. we wanna tell you when we feel that you have the right to know." Jimmy said.
"But i have the right to know." I said.
Jimmy smirked again.

"Yeah, But not here, we cant tell you here." Jimmy said. Just then brian and Johnny came in. "Hey Jim!" Johnny said, then he looked at me. His eyes changed but i didnt see them. Jimmy smacked Johnny and his eyes changed colours again.

"So, Nikki..." Johnny said, Before being interrupted by me.

"Guy's, you can come over after school. Dad doesnt mind, and mom would love to see me interact with other people. I havent really opened up like this for a few years." I said.
They all smiled and the bell rang.
I got up and went to my locker. I sighed as Jimmy walked with me. He smiled and looked at me. I sighed and grabbed my french book.
"You're taking french too?" Jimmy asked. I nodded.
"Yeah, Next period." I said, shutting my locker and making my way to Mrs. Browns room. Jimmy and I walked in and took a seat.