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Give The Kids A Show!

First Day of the Season

*Maggie's P.O.V.*

"I got my head checked," My phone sang. "By a jumbo-jet. It wasn't easy, but nothin' i-is." I rolled out of bed as my phone blared Blur's Song 2. I grumbled as I scrolled sleepily to my new message. It was James. I smiled and read through the text.
"Hey babe, R U pumped 4 the first day of the season?" He asked and I laughed to myself
"Oh absolutely! U know me, Adventureland is my life!" I texted back and my sarcasm was obvious. A second later my phone rang again.
"Lmao that's what I thought you'd say. I'll pick you up at 12 =D" I looked at the time on my phone. 10:30.
"Alright C U then" He said and I walked to my closet and picked out a black V-neck T-shirt, short denim shorts, and my black lace up Doc Marten boots. I packed my small work bag with my wallet, iPod, and whatever else I would need for the day of work. It was the first day of spring break and I would be spending it in the shittiest amusement park in Belleville. While other high school couples would be inseparable over the break, me and James would only see each other when he drove me to work. I was at the Adventureland Amusement park and James was a lifeguard at the Waterpark across the street. I grabbed my clothes and makeup and carried it into the small bathroom next to my room. I got a quick shower and got dressed. I threw my red hair into a messy bun at the top of my head and lined my green eyes with eyeliner. I heard a loud car horn, grabbed my bag and scribbled a quick note to my mother

' Went to work. Be home late. Love you
-Mags <3 '

I left the note on the counter and ran outside as James honked the horn again
"Shut the hell up!" I laughed and jumped into his red Jeep. I kissed him quickly as we started the 5 minute drive to Adventureland. He had one hand on the steering wheel and one holding mine. I smiled and squeezed his hand.
"So are you excited to be guarding lives on this fine day?" I asked with mock enthusiasm and he chuckled.
"Oh god I can't even wait. How bout you? Are you excited for the bitchy parents and spoiled kids waiting for you on this fine day?" He laughed
"I can't even tell you how pumped I am. You got a cigarette?" I asked and he reached in his pocket and pulled out a pack and a lighter. He took one for himself and handed me one. He lit them and we smoked in silence until we parked in the employee lot.
"Home sweet home!" He said with sarcasm coating the sentence. He put his arms around my waist and kissed me. He pulled away. "I'll swing by and get you at closing. Don't kill anyone!" He said cheerily as he walked in the direction of the waterpark.
"No promises made!" I shouted back with a wink and a smile and I heard him laugh. I turned and started walking towards Adventureland. I was almost . . . happy? I smiled to myself. I owed alot to Adventureland. Without it I wouldn't have met my three closest friends and I wouldn't have met James. I wasn't exactly at the top of the food chain in Belleville High School. I started working at Adventureland and met James on break one day. I was gonna be a freshman and he was a year above me. Now I was a junior and he was graduating. I was an outcast and he was the schools star baseball player we were really an odd couple but we were happy together. He knew everything about me and I knew everything about about him. I turned the corner and the park was in sight. It had swallowed up three of my summers and this year would be its forth. I walked into the park which was completely deserted since they hadn't opened the gates yet. I made my way to ticket booth A where all of the park workers were gathered.
"Mags, over here!" My close friend Audrey waved me over to where my other friends Katie and Charlotte were deep in conversation.
"Who do you think they are?" Charlotte quietly asked our little group.
"Who are?" I was confused
"Them." Audrey nodded her head towards four guys that were talking to our managers. One of the guys had shiny black hair and pale white skin. The boy next to him had shaggy dirty blonde hair and glasses perched at the end of his nose. Next to him was a boy with blonde streaked brown hair slicked into a neat faux- hawk. He seemed to be having a quiet argument with Hank, the owner of the park. He was talking quietly but was frantically moving his hands. A guy with curly brown hair was trying to mediate the argument.
"Guys, Blondie's got a walkie talkie." Katie whispered. Sure enough, the one with the glasses had a walkie-talkie clipped to his belt loop.
"Faux-hawk has a clipboard. They all do." Audrey said and it hit me a second later.
"Wait a second. . . THEY'RE MANAGERS!?" I whispered furiously and they rolled their eyes.
"I've never seen them here before." Audrey was confused
"Hell, I've never seen them anywhere before!" Katie was just as pissed as I was.
"Maggie I think Faux-hawk's in our Math." Charlotte said looking at him closely
"Blondie's in my English." Katie stated plainly
"I've seen Afro and the pasty white one in our lunch." Audrey raised her eyebrows slightly and gave the black haired one the once over.
"Put your eyes back in your head I think he's a senior." I said rolling my eyes at her gawking
"So is James." She shrugged and smirked at me
"Touche" I said and laughed

This season at Adventureland would be very. . . . Interesting.
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