Status: Writing vigorously:) I update every Friday!

Not Enough

At the age of five Audri Cooper moved to a new place. She was never the skinniest person, her mother always felt that she had to keep feeding her. They both never thought anything of it. Audri just ate what was put on her plate without a second thought. The next year, Audri started first grade.

She was picked on every day. And even though no one knew it, it drove her to starve herself. She was called fat every day, so she thought that if she lost weight they wouldn't pick on her.

They never stopped, and so Audri did. She stopped eating, only doing it when her mother or father were around and forced her too.

Audri does whatever she can to just.. end it all. All she wants is for it to be over. Could someone change her mind? Make her think she's as beautiful as she is, and make her feel better about herself?

Could a guy really help her?

Maybe Niall Horan can.