Status: Updating slowly ... probably

Dangerous Minds

A God on earth

As it turned out, I was room mates with Jack. He kept the place pretty tidy and his side of the room was completely covered in Blink 182 posters. He caught me looking at them and smiled. "Are you a blink fan?" I nodded and he grinned. "Good. We'll get along fine then."

We spent the rest of the night getting to know each other. Jack did most of the talking, but I didn't mind. It gave me time to think. During his ramblings I learnt that Jack was gay, and dating some guy named Alex. He was the American who had thrown Jack out of his room earlier. I didn't comment on that. It seemed like Jack was the sort to be very defensive. I also learned that Josh and Oli were dating, and that the reason that Oli had ignored me was because he was Schizophrenic and often went off into periods of withdrawal. According to Jack he was usually very nice.

"Did you do those cuts to yourself?" Jack asked while I was getting changed into the pyjama pants I wore for bed. It felt a little weird to be watched if I was quiet honest. I mean, a little privacy please? I nodded and he went quiet for a moment. "Alex does that. Not all the time. Just when he's let himself down." I finished pulling up my pants and climbed into be, facing my room mate. "Do you do it for attention?" I didn't answer and Jack nodded. "I'm sorry. We should probably sleep now. The nurse will be doing checks soon."

I closed my eyes and drifted off, my head full of dreams about long corridors and white rooms. When I woke up the next morning, I had to swallow a shriek when I found Jack straddling me, a wide grin on his face. "W-what are you doing?" I asked, very aware that our crotches were touching.

"Waking you up." He beamed. He then hopped off, dragged me out of bed and gestured for me to get dressed. "Come one, or you'll miss breakfast. That is, if you eat breakfast..." I nodded and he smiled. "Good." Once I was fully clothed and my hair was brushed (the nurses didn't let me use straighteners), Jack took me by the hand again and skipped off down the corridor with me, dragging me into the dining room. "Hey guys." He greeted Josh and Oli.

Oli gave me a shy smile and a small wave. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I can't help it." He muttered, then awkwardly took a bite of his toast.

"Not a problem." I smiled back. If I was going to be here a while, I wanted to make some friends. An orderly handed me a tray with toast, a bowl of cereal and a cup of juice. Really? I couldn't even get my own food now? Okay. A nurse came by our table shortly after and handed us each a small container with our pills in. I frowned. "I don't take medication."

The nurse gave me a sad smile and pushed the container into my hand. "You do now. Take them so I can see them." I did as she said, gulping them down with a mouth full of juice. "Thank you." She muttered before shuffling away to the next table.

The door to the dining room flew open and in walked what I can only describe as a God on earth. He had lightly tanned skin and jet black hair that dropped into his fiercely green eyes ever so slightly. Fuck, he was beautiful. The man smirked, swaggering in and headed towards our table. He threw himself down next to Josh and took a bite of his toast. "Your boyfriend still hiding in his cave, ay Jacko?" Jack looked down into his cereal and muttered something about him needing to fuck off. The man then locked his eyes on me. "Well, who's this then? Anyone going to introduce me?"

Oli rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat. "Sean, this is Ian Watkins. He's a dick. Ian, this is Sean. Leave him alone."

Ian pouted and batted his eyelashes at me. "But what if I don't want to leave him alone?" I blushed deeply and looked down at my knees. Ian smirked and winked at me before he was handed his container of pills. He threw them back into his mouth then showed the nurse that he had swallowed them. "Tadaaaaa." He grinned, then turned back to us. "But seriously, Jack. Is he actually coming out today or are we substituting one crazy for another?" He bit his lip looking at me and I almost died. That's not even an exaggeration. He's fucking perfect. "Ssssso Ssssssean, what got you put in here?"

"Borderline Personality D-Disorder." I stuttered, it was hard to talk to someone so flawless.

Ian rolled his eyes. "We're all a little borderline, but that wasn't what I was talking about. I meant, what did you do?"

Oli, Jack and Josh were now giving us there full attention, which I wasn't expecting since it seemed that Jack struggled with not being the centre of attention. I blushed and rubbed my arm nervously. "I overdosed on paracetamol."

The four guys winced and moved back. "You know that wouldn't kill you straight away, right? It can take days. It shuts down your liver. Not cool." Jack chuckled, eating a spoon full of cereal.

Ian looked disgusted. "I could never kill myself." He stated, then picket up a spoon and winked at his reflection. Fuck he was hot.

Once breakfast was over we all headed back to the tv room where a boy with sandy brown and pink hair was sat listening to his iPod. Jack beamed at the boy and dived over the side of the couch, landing on him. The boy lurched awake, blinking wildly, but smiled when he saw who was sat on him.

Ian walked up beside me and rolled his eyes. "It's nice to see you out and about fatso." The boy glared back, along with Jack who looked equally pissed off. "Sean, this is Alex, he's taken on the roll of a pathetic thirteen year old girl. Alex, this is new guy."

"Leave him alone." Jack hissed, standing up.

Ian smirked, tilting his head to the side. "Do you really want to do that, Jacko?"

I guess Jack decided not to take Ian on and instead went back to sitting in his boyfriend's lap. Oli and Josh went off back to Josh's room which left me alone with that fucking God. I took a seat on the windowsill and Ian joined me. "Why did you try to kill yourself?" He asked, tracing shapes on the window with his fingers. I looked down, not answering. I didn't want to talk about it. "Did you not hear me?" He asked again, genuinely confused as to why I wasn't answering him.

"I don't want to talk about it." I muttered, pulling my knees up to my chest.

Ian frowned. "But I do."

"Well I don't." I snapped.

"Why not?" He was smirking now. What? Did he find this fucking funny?

"Will you leave the kid alone!" Alex shouted over from the couch. "He doesn't want to tell you why he tried to top himself, big fucking deal!"

Ian's tongue flicked to the corner of his lips and he turned his head in the direction of the couch. "Hey Alex, remember when I fucked your boyfriend?"

"Fuck off, Ian!" Jack shouted, standing up again.

Oli flung his glass on the floor making Josh squeak and quickly try to clean it up. "Will you lot fucking shut up?" He yelled, then apologised to Josh and helped him clean up the shards of glass. Ian shook his head and stormed out.

"He's such a fucking bellend." Alex groaned, standing up for the first time. I immediately noticed how ridiculously skinny he was. It was disgusting.

Oli sighed, dropping the shards into the bin. "It's not his fault. You know he can't help it. It's just like my zoning out or Josh's constant need to keep things in order." Josh smiled sadly, pulling some hand sanitiser out of his back pocket then started cleaning his hands.

Alex nodded and bit the inside of his mouth. "Do you think I should go talk to him?" He asked, looking honestly worried.

Jack shook his head. "It won't help. You'll only either piss him off or make him even more full of himself." He then took his boyfriend's hands and kissed him tenderly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thankies for the feedback bubbas. What do you guys think of this chapter? It's like, nearly 1AM and I have no idea what I've just written. So sleeeeepy.