Status: Updating slowly ... probably

Dangerous Minds

Something to live for

Everyone was a little worse for wear the next morning. Well, everyone except Ian. He was playing his dickhead card again. Mocking Alex on his weight, flirting with Jack and trying his best to piss off Oli. He left Josh alone, though. I hadn't known them very long, but it was obvious that Josh wasn't his usual self. Whatever happened last night must have been hard for him, and I can't imagine Solitary Confinement was much fun either. Now and again Ian would look over to me, that devilishly sexy smirk on his face. He'd run his teeth over his lip, get me flustered then laugh, looking away. He was such a fucking dick!

In other less sexual news, my little brother was coming to visit me today. I was a little nervous to be honest. I hadn't seen him since I was fitting on my bedroom floor. I still felt terrible about that. I didn't want Jay to get messed up over this. Alex saw the expression on my face and came over to sit beside me. "What's up, emo pants?" He asked quietly so as not to draw attention from the group. I had a feeling Ian was listening though. I didn't care.

"Nothing. My brother's coming to visit today, that's all." I sighed, leaning back in my chair.

Alex nodded, smiling. "Ah family, I remember when those guys used to visit." I cocked an eyebrow at him in confusion, so he went on. "My parents used to visit but then they decided I was too disgusting to look at." He rolled his eyes. "Jack's mom visits when she can, which is rare because they don't have a lot of money and plane tickets and a place to stay are expensive. She writes though. Lovely woman." I couldn't help but grin at the fond smile on Alex's face and although Jack and him obviously had their problems, it was clear that they loved each other. "Josh's sister comes from time to time, not very often now and Oli's parents come on holidays."

I nodded, taking in the information. I really hoped my family wouldn't give up on me like Alex's had, or forget about me like Josh's. "What about Ian's family?" I asked, lowering my voice even more.

Alex shrugged. "No one's ever seen them, and he never talks about them."

I looked over to Ian who was now repeatedly jabbing Oli in the leg. Strange boy. I felt really sorry for him. What could make his family want nothing to do with him? If he did something wrong, surely they should let that go because of his illness? Then again, if he killed somebody... Ha, he's a Narcissist, not a Sociopath. Ian turned his head to me, stood up, then moved over to the door, signalling for me to follow. What was I, his fucking pet? Yes. Alex gave a small laugh and shoved me towards him.

Once I was in the corridor, he sped away from me and shut himself in his room. I awkwardly lingered outside, not knowing what the fuck was going on. I bit my lip before tapping on the door. There was no answer so I decided to just walk in. I mean, he had lead me here, right? I pushed the door open slowly and peered inside, Ian was sat on his bed, staring at me confusedly.

"What are you doing?" He demanded, frowning now as he stood.

I blinked quickly. "I- er- I-I thought-" I stammered as he drew closer, slight anger in his eyes. Shit. He walked behind me and slammed the door making me nearly yelp. "I-I'm s-sorry."

Ian's expression shifted into that sexy smirk again as he moved to hold onto my hips. He leant his lips to mine so that they were barely brushing each other. I could feel my knees becoming week, his simple touch reducing me into a pathetic mess. "Easy, baby. I was joking." He whispered seductively, squinting his eyes a little.

Slowly, he ran his teeth along my collarbone, making me throw my head back. He began to nibble as he pushed me towards his bed and carefully placed me down. Ian was now straddling me and sucking softly on the crook of my neck, now and again snapping his teeth down painfully. I didn't mind though, it felt amazing. He then began to trail his wet kisses up my neck, to the crook of my ear, then along my jaw line. Finally he made it to my mouth, running his tongue along my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I let him in and our tongues crashed together, hard. We moved our lips together hungrily. Ian pushed himself up so he could deepen the kiss, hanging above me dominantly.

We broke apart and I stared at him in awe. I know I say this a lot, but unless you saw him at that moment you'll never understand how truly flawless that man was. He licked his bottom lip, surveying my body, making me incredibly self concious. Hurriedly, he ripped my top over my head and placed fast kisses down my torso, flicking his tongue slightly when he got close to my jeans. I felt him unbutton them and attempt to pull them off. He growled angrily and sat up. "Take them off." He purred, bringing his mouth back to the crook under my ear.

I quickly lost the pants revealing my pink underwear - What? Men can wear pink! - and my rather large bulge. Ian grinned and moved his hand down to palm me. My hips buckled up, involuntarily, making him smile wider, obviously pleased at the control he had over me. I withered underneath him while he worked me, with each movement of his hand I grew harder, panting. He stopped abruptly, making me groan in annoyance.

"Don't complain, Seanie." He chuckled lowly, then began to trail his wet kisses once again. His lips were now on my cock, the thin fabric of my boxers were the only thing separating the two, and it was killing me. He kissed me twice more, then pulled my boxers off and threw them aside showing me off fully. He kissed up my length before taking me fully in his mouth, working his lips around the tip.

"Oh, God." I breathed, grabbing a handful of his hair. "Ian, fuck."

I felt him chuckle on my end sending vibrations through the tip. I swear I nearly died from the pleasure. Quickly, he started to bob his head, sucking his tongue in fast, fluid movements. It felt amazing. Pure ecstasy. I bet people could hear my moans from the corridor, but I didn't care. This was just so intensely good. I had had a lot of sexual encounters, but nothing compared to this.

I could feel the bubbling of climax deep in my stomach and squeezed my eyes shut. "E-E-Ian, I-I'm gonna-" Ian started sucking harder and faster, bobbing his head at double the speed he had before. "IAN!" I cried as I reached my end, exploding into his mouth.

I panted slowly now, feeling Ian leave me. He licked his lips then kissed me softly on the mouth. Running his fingers down my bandaged arm, he smirked. "If that hasn't given you something to live for, I don't know what will."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm... I suck at writing anything remotely sexual. This must be why my boyfriend spends so much time on his xbox :/

... He's just told me he's going to clone me and sell them to sexual predators on the internet. Thanks babe <3
