Status: Updating slowly ... probably

Dangerous Minds

You're pathetic

Okay, just gonna put it out there, having Ian's mouth on my dick was the most amazing thing I've ever experienced. Once I was fully clothed Ian winked at me again, that sexy smirk plastered on his face, and threw me out of the door. Again. Like, seriously, what's his problem? I picked myself up - again - and shuffled off down the corridor to Pearl's office.

I grinned when I looked inside the window. Jay was sat at her desk, filling in some forms, an awkward look on his face. He hated signing anything, probably because our parents normally did everything for him, so he had no clue what he was doing. Pearl took the papers from him and locked them away in her filing cabinet before leading my brother to the door.

Jay smiled at me nervously, fiddling with his fingers. I didn't blame him. After all, I had tried to kill myself and ended up in a mental institution. He was bound to feel a little freaked out. I sighed, not being able to fight the urge to hug him any more and pulled Jay into my arms, squeezing him tightly.

I folded my arms across my chest as we walked side by side down the corridor that lead to the television room. There wasn't much to do here, so I thought I may as well introduce him to my friends. Well, at least I think they're my friends. We haven't really known each other that long. I pushed open one of the double doors, not wanting to strut in like a sexy mother fucker, but Jay had other plans. I shook my head, covering my face with a hand, holding in my laughter. Such a strange boy.

Jack immediately spotted us and rushed over, shaking Jay's hand as soon as he was in reach. "Hey, I'm Jack." He beamed, dragging my brother over to the rest of the group and introducing him. "This is my boyfriend Alex, he's Oli, and he's Josh. Josh is a bit upset today."

You really had to admire that boy's bravery. Would you wander into a nut house, go off with what could potentially be a psychopath and start chatting to a group of crazies you've never met before? No, didn't think so.

Oli let out a laugh when Jay was finished describing a girl he liked at school. "Girls are no fun, mate. Been there, done that, got the headache. Guy's are better." He turned his head to wink at Josh who blushed, covering his mouth.

Jay gave a small laugh. "Whatever floats your boat, Oli. But I like my sexual partners to carry vaginas."

I rolled my eyes and kicked his shin. "Like you know anything about sexual partners, virgin." I tuned my brother out while he went off on one about how he isn't a virgin and can bang any girl he wants yada yada yada. "So what's going on at school?" I finally interrupted, playing with my fringe. It was so floppy and fun. Yey! Wait... that sounded dirty. Jay shifted a bit uneasily, averting his eyes. "Jay, what's wrong? If someone's pissing around with you, you know you can tell me. I reckon if I kill them I'll get off for being insane."

Jay shook his head. "It's nothing." He sighed.

"Tell." I ordered, kicking him again.

My brother swore under his breath and gently rubbed his leg. "Okay, okay, jeez dick face. Somehow people at school found out what had happened to you and some guys were talking shit about you. It's fine now though. We managed to pull Gavin off them eventually."

I gulped. Gavin was my best friend, how would he feel knowing I was a total psycho? "Gav knows?"

Jay nodded, biting his lip the same way I do. "He's been really supportive actually. Him and they guys are going to come and see you next weekend."

I shook my head, standing up. "No, no, I don't want them here."

"Why no-"

"I don't fucking want them here!" I yelled, throwing over my chair. Two orderlies entered the room, surveying the scene. "Fuck sake! Can I not get pissed off with out the happy brigade coming to take me away?"

"Mr Smith-"

"FUCK OFF!" This was all getting to much, I was worked up with no way to deal with it. "Go home, Jay." I muttered before storming out of the room and along the corridor.

I heard a door open behind me, just as I was about to go into the bedroom Jack and I shared. "What's wrong, Seanie?" Ian mocked, a sarcastic tone in his voice. It really fucked me over, and not in a good way.

Completely ignoring him, I flung open my bedroom door and slammed it shut behind me. My jeans from yesterday were in a heap in the corner of my room. I picked them up, retrieving the glass from one of the front pockets and lay down on my bed, my back facing the door just like Alex had suggested.

The door swung open without a knock and Ian swaggered in. "Don't ignore me, Sean."

"Fuck off, Ian." I snapped, tears forming in my eyes as I pressed the shard down into my wrist, feeling the flesh slowly being sawn apart. Another slice and I let out an unintentional gasp. It stung so much, but that was the point. It had to be painful enough to make me forget about all the shit going on in my head.

Ian must have caught on to what was happening because he pounced onto me, ripping the glass from my hand. He sat there, legs spread across my chest, his bulge digging into me, just staring. Despite his actions, he looked down on me, uncaring. He slowly ran a finger down my arm, feeling the blood, then sucked the red mess off of his finger. Sickeningly, this was turning me on. Ian roughly tugged on my wrist, placing his lips on it, tracing wet kisses up and along my wounds. He continued to move his light pink lips until he reached the hollow underneath my ear, kissing it gently. "You're pathetic." His whisper was harsh and stung me, the smell of blood washing over my face with his breath, and still I grew ever more hard. "After what I did for you this morning, you repay me like this?"

I bit my lip, buckling my hips up for any sort of contact. "I'm sorry, Ian." I whined, so hungry for him right now. "You should punish me."

"I fucking will." He glared, but not in a playful way. I gulped. He sat up straight, still straddling me, moving the glass through his fingers. "Who gave you this, Seanie, baby?" Shit. Would he be mad at Alex for this? I shook my head. "I promise I won't get myself thrown into solitary over this." He rolled his eyes. "It's not like you're worth it."

Tears pricked in the corners of my eyes and for a moment I thought I saw Ian's eyes soften. I sniffed and cleared my throat. "Alex gave me it, after I burnt myself."

Ian nodded, leaning over to place my glass on the cabinet. "I know. I just wanted you to admit it." He narrowed his eyes, moving down onto my crotch and I had to stop myself from moaning like a whore at the connection. "You can't hide anything from me. Remember that." I nodded, biting hard on my lip. "Good boy."

Just as I thought it was about to get good, Ian climbed off of me and took a seat on the bed, folding his arms across his chest. "What?" I asked, copying his movements so that I was now beside him.

He looked like he was concentrating really hard on something. I hoped he was undressing me with his eyes, that would be nice. Shut up Sean. "Why were you going to cry before?"

"What?" I blinked, unable to remember what happened before he sat on my dick.

Ian rolled his beautiful green eyes and turned his body fully to me. "Was it because I said you were pathetic, and that you didn't matter." It suddenly came back to me, and I nodded, not making eye contact with him. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just, compared to me, you are those things."

I sighed. "No offence Ian, but that sounded even worse."

Ian shook his head. "No, no. I mean, if I wasn't here, you'd be the sexiest person locked up." He smiled then, pushing my fringe out of my eyes. His pink tongue ran slowly over his bottom lip as he looked me up and down. "And Seanie," He winked. "You're definitely worth it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is so painfully terrible but I have the worst hangover in the history of hangovers and my antidepressants aren't working so I'm sad as fuck.

... Amma hurl.