Status: Updating slowly ... probably

Dangerous Minds

Never have I ever


I groaned, picking myself up from the floor. Falling out of bed always pissed me off. I thought people grew out of that after the age of thirteen. Rolling my shoulders back, I walked over to one of the windows. Why were there bars? Probably so I wouldn't throw myself out. Or be thrown out. That reminds me...

I trailed my eyes across the room. Ian must have left when I fell asleep. I wondered if he threw himself into the corridor like he does with me. Smirking at the thought of seeing the Welshman fly into the wall, I cast my eyes down to the ageing wooden cabinet. I let out a groan and shoved my head into the bars on the window. He'd taken my fucking glass.


I spun around, nearly falling in the process, to see a nurse with a clipboard, clearly doing his rounds. He had greenish hazel eyes, a warm round face and floppy brown hair, complete with stubble. I nodded at him awkwardly, I never knew what to say when nurses came in to do checks. The nurse gave me a small smile back, then turned and left.

I sighed, looking back out of the window. It was drizzling outside. Not the sort of rain that pisses down from the heavens, but the sort that drenches you through without you realising. Fuck you rain. I stuck my middle finger up at the sky, then chuckled to myself. I was fucking hilarious.

That's when I noticed how dark it was outside. I must have slept all day after my little hissy fit. I would have to apologise to Jay next time he visited. If he ever did again. I let out a quiet sob at the thought of my baby brother abandoning me the way Alex's family had. He couldn't leave me, I'd have no one.

"Come in." I muttered, hearing a tap at the door.

It creaked open and Josh appeared, giving me a soft smile. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, walking over to my bed and sitting down. I nodded, even though I wasn't. "We're all stopping over in Oli and Ian's room tonight, if you want to join us. It'll be fun." He giggled.

I supposed it would do me good to have some fun after this particularly shitty day.
I don't know how Ian managed to get his hands on this alcohol, I probably didn't want to know, but I was grateful.

"I have an Idea." Ian winked devilishly at me. He was sprawled across his bed, a bottle of vodka in one hand and six shot glasses stacked up in the other. "We'll play never have I ever."

Alex smirked, wrapping his arms around Jack's waist, kissing him lightly on the crook of his neck. "Do we have a choice?"

"No." Ian grinned. He hopped up and shoved a glass each into our hands. He lingered in front of me, slowly handing me my glass. "No funny business." He whispered so only I could here, I gulped. Ian turned and climbed back on his bed. "The rules are simple. You say something you haven't done, if someone else in the group's done it, they take a shot. I'll start. Never have I ever thought I was ugly."

We all rolled our eyes. Typical. Alex was the first to down his shot, then Oli, Josh, Jack and finally me.

Ian frowned. "Really? You guys need some confidence. Seriously." He mumbled, passing the vodka around for us to refill.

"Never have I ever torn somebody down for personal gain." Alex looked over to Ian smugly who threw his shot back into his mouth.

"Never have I ever been cheated on." Ian winked over at Jack. Alex took his shot, death glaring Ian the entire time.

Jack kissed Alex quickly then turned to face Ian. "Never have I ever shouted my own name in bed." Ian drank his shot as the room erupted in hysterical laughter.
I rubbed my eyes sleepily, it must have been about 4AM by the time everyone else had passed out. These guys could really drink. I took an empty bottle of Stella out of Alex's hand and placed it quietly into a black bin liner. There were still tears staining his face from when Jack and I had had to pin him down after he realised how many calories were in the alcohol he was drinking. His gag reflex must cause a problem for Jack.

I rolled my eyes at that thought and continued to collect in the empty bottles. Why was I such a pervert. Once I was content that the room was tidy (didn't want Josh to have a hissy fit), I pushed the bin bag under Oli's bed so that the Orderlies wouldn't confiscate it, I might need the glass later. Some of the bottles smashed together with a large clang, making me swear under my breath.

"Hey." I heard Ian whisper from behind me.

I sighed and stood up to face him. "Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked, feeling ridiculously sorry for such a tiny thing. How did he have this effect on me?

"It doesn't matter." He whispered, smirking. Even in the darkness I could see the dazzling beauty of his shimmering green eyes. I stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say now. Ian tapped the spot beside him and mumbled for me to sit down. When I was in arms reach, he dragged me down, snaking his arms around my waist to hold me against him. "Night, Seanie." He whispered, giving the most adorable yawn I've ever heard.

"G-Goodnight Ian."
♠ ♠ ♠
Shit filler but I simply have no fucks to give. There.