Status: Updating slowly ... probably

Dangerous Minds

It's all in your head

(Oli's POV)
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

I groggily opened my eyes, the voices were having an argument again. I fucking wish they'd shut up for one fucking night so I could get some rest. I sat up, rubbing my head and gasped at the sight in front of me.

Ian had put that FUCKING poster up again. I shook, glaring at it from across the room, then back to Ian. What was he thinking?! I frowned sadly, moving my way from my bed and over to the poster. I refused to make eye contact with the girl. She hated me enough already, I didn't need to give her another reason to talk about me behind my back.

Whenever Hayley Williams came on the television, the orderlies would turn the channel over because it apparently made me worse. Well, I'm sorry if she hates me for no reason, and that sometimes pisses me off.

I rolled up the poster and placed it underneath Ian's bed.

"Oli?" I heard the Welshman yawn, making me quickly stand up. "What are you doing?" His eyes trailed over to where the wall was now empty. "Oh, God. I forgot." He muttered, sitting up.

He forgot? People don't just forget, unless...

I backed away quickly, tripping over my shoes and falling to the floor.

Ian jumped up, eyes wide. "Oli? Calm down. It's all in your head." He spoke the words calmly, slowly walking towards me.

I shook my head furiously. "You're lying! I know who you are!" I screamed, tears pouring from my eyes. "I thought you were my friend! You're spying on me!" Distantly, I could hear the sound of heels rushing down the corridor. "You've been telling the nurses everything!"

Ian growled and hauled me up from the floor, then threw me on the bed. If I wasn't freaking out, I'd probably have noticed how strong he was. "Shush, Oli. The orderlies'll take you down to Solitary if you don't calm down. The door flung open and Ian dived in front of me. "He's fine now, he was just a bit upset."

"Out of the way, Ian. This is for his own good." Pearl sighed, motioning for the orderlies to take me away.

"No! No, don't!" I wept. "Ian, don't let them!" I lashed out, smacking one of the orderlies right between the eyes, knocking him to the floor. "Ian, please don't let them get me!"

"Fucking listen to me! Who do you think you are?" Ian was glaring down at Pearl, hatred in his eyes. But he was ignoring me! Two orderlies bore down on Ian, pushing him down onto the bed and pinned him. It didn't take much for them to be thrown off, but reinforcements came and soon he was trapped, swearing his head off.

The sight of the needle sent me screaming again. Oh no. It wasn't solitary I was going to now. The needle sunk sharply into my skin and the world blurred away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Updating this in case Louise finds the number for the Russian scientists :( And I'm not a Narcissist. I just don't like lying about how awesome I am.

Poor Oli having an episode.

Sorry this was shit and short but fuck woo.

Next one'll be better.