Status: Updating slowly ... probably

Dangerous Minds

More human.

Alex sighed, walking over to me, his eyes tired. It had been a long night. Oli had mega freaked out last night and Ian had gotten himself thrown into Solitary for defending him. I had no idea where Oli was now, he was unconscious and strapped to a trolley, being wheeled out of the building last time I had saw him. Josh was a wreck, refusing to leave his room. He wouldn't even get out of bed, so Alex had spent the night comforting him.

"You okay?" I asked, shoving my hands into my back pockets next to the medication bay, waiting for my pills. Alex nodded, yawning, and took his medication. "So, what's happened to Oli?"

The American frowned sadly, putting his arm around me and walking us towards the lounge, a place we didn't go to often. "He's been sent to a different ward. They're keeping him under surveillance because they think he's a risk to others." That was ridiculous, Oli wouldn't hurt a fly. He was probably the nicest guy here. "On a completely different note, you've got therapy today." He winked, crossing his legs on the couch.


Alex rolled his eyes, smiling. "Pearl's decided you've settled in enough and now you get to pour your heart out to dear, old, Doctor Crunn." I stared at him, a confused expression on my face. He certainly was in a good mood today. "Ugh. You go to his office and tell him about all the twisted, messed up things in your head, then he spews you a load of bullcrap, you pretend you're better and you're free to wander the outside world."

"So all I've got to do is pretend I'm better and I get to go home?" That didn't sound very professional. Alex had to be joking.

He nodded, laying across the couch. "Easy."

There was a tap at the door and the male nurse that had done checks the right before appeared. "Sean, you have therapy in half an hour." He grinned, his face glowing at my name.

"Oh, thanks." I bit my lip and placed a hand on my hip, giving him a flirtatious smile. The nurse blushed deeply and quickly made his get away. I turned back to Alex to find him staring at me with a 'what the fuck?' look on his face. "What?" I laughed nervously.

Alex closed his mouth with his hand and sat up. "What the hell was that?" He almost shouted. I shrugged, what was wrong with flirting? "I can't believe you'd do that to Ian!" I grimaced, what had I done to Ian? The only person he liked was himself. "You know, Ian fucks a lot of guys, but I've never seen him act the way he does with you. You might not think it, but he really likes you."

"Why do you care? I thought you hated him for what he did to you and Jack."

Alex shrugged. "I don't hate him. It was as much Jack's fault as it was Ian's. The guy annoys me, but he's still my friend."

I tugged on my fingers, approaching the Solitary Confinement corridor. Ian was in one of these cells. And when I say cells, I mean cells. They were plain white, metal doors with a tiny sliding window at the top so the orderlies could check the prisoners were still alive.

"Ian?" I whispered, looking through each of the windows. Finally I found him. He was sat with his back against the wall, staring blankly at the opposite wall. His dazzling green eyes had lost all life, and honestly, it was heartbreaking. I took a deep breath, pulling the key from my pocket. I had stolen it, and I had no doubt that there would be consequences for my actions. After what Alex had told me though, I had to see him.

Cautiously, I pushed the key into the lock and turned it. A loud clunk echoed around the corridor making me cringe away, but no one heard, so I pulled open the door and stepped inside, closing it behind me. Ian didn't even acknowledged my entrance. I slowly walked over to him and lowered myself so that my eyes met his. He still didn't move. He looked dead.

"Ian." I whispered, gently caressing his cheek. A single tear fell from his eyes, making my throat close up. "Hey, it's okay." I shushed him, moving over to pull him into my side. "It's okay."

"It's not." He croaked. "Oli's tied up on a bed somewhere being prodded by doctors al b-because of m-me." Ian was shaking, tears drenching his face now.

I shook my head, kissing him gently on the temple. "It wasn't your fault, Ian. Oli's very sick. We all are."

We sat like that for what felt like hours, it could have been, because the nurses did checks once a day for the people in Solitary. Ian looked up to me, his tears long gone. "Thank you, Sean." He whispered.

I smirked. "What for?"

Ian rolled his eyes, sitting up straight so that he was taller than me. "For making me feel... more human." He leaned forward and connected our lips, moving them slowly, yet still powerfully, holding back the lust so that the kiss felt more... loving? That couldn't be right though, Ian couldn't love me. Or could he?
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Bah, it's shit but whatcha gunna do.