You Mean More to Me Than Words Could Ever Say

Chapter 10.

I was almost all the way through history class. I took notes when needed, refrained from doodling, and my attention never left from the teacher. I guess it was a way to ignore what happened with Isabelle. I don't like her, do I? Shes not what I'm looking for, I want a change. What that change would be, I don't know. But for now I guess she's the best I can get.

"Hey, Faggot." I purced my lips and flickered my eyes to my note book. No way was I talking to Mark.

"Frank I-Queer-O!"

Oh, fantastic, a new nickname. I spun around and stared him down with confidence.

"Thats the best you got? Pretty sure you're the queer here, not me." I said to him, trying to sound as calm as Gerard had. He was rubbing off on me. But Mark wasn't affected by my comment at all. I guess I wasn't as intimidating as Gerard.

"Oh really? What about the note you left on Gerard's locker?" I froze. Hell. No. They didn't.

"What...what are you talking about?" I wasn't tough sounding no more.

"Oh I think you can figure it out." Mark said, a smirk on his lips. His friend butted in.

"Yeah, once he sees that note, he'll know you're a total faggot." I felt all the air leaving my lungs.

"Shut up Josh." Mark spat. So that's his name. I had to find that note. If it's ON his locker, that means everyone will see it... and hundreds of rumors will start. I raised my hand.

"Can I use the bathroom?" I said, before Mr. Ryhmes could even see my hand. He whipped around and gave me a death glare.

"I think you can wait, Mr. Iero. The bell rings in 5 minutes." I groaned loud enough for people passing by in the hallway to hear. Mr. Ryhmes just shook his head and kept teaching. A few people chuckled at me, probably thinking 'This dudes gotta take a shit.' Mark patted my back.

"S'okay man, you don't have to thank us." I bit the inside of my cheek so hard I tasted blood. I was fuming. They were fucking assholes.

When the bell did ring, I rushed out of the hallway so fast I felt light headed. My mind was racing. If Gerard saw that note, I'd be done for. This school was large, and there were three different hallways for the senior's lockers. I went through them all, not seeing that note anywhere. I felt my nerves calm. They were just busting my balls. Suddenly I heard Mark laugh. I looked over and saw him and Josh hovering by a locker, peering through the vents. Shit, they must've just slipped it in there, knowing I would take it down. Mark walked away, but Josh spotted me. He smirked and walked over to me.

"Too late, we put the note in the locker, so you're done for. Oh, and don't worry, that note had been up there since last night. So everyones seen it. You're welcome." He said before shoving me back. Since last night? They either snuck in or had a Sunday detention. Either way, I was screwed. Everyone had seen it, and now Gerard would too. He most likely hasn't been to his locker yet, it was only after first period. And since it had still been up there, that pretty much means he hadn't seen it, or else he would've taken it down. The second I saw Bob and Ray, I told them what happened. They were pissed but said no one would care anyway. They were wrong.

On the way to math, someone grabbed my arm. They pulled me aside as I saw it was Isabelle. She slapped me hard across the face.

"You're an asshole Frank, that's disgusting." I stared at her, shocked, and before I could recover and explain, she stormed off. Some people stared at me and laughed, with a few exaggerated "Ooooh"s. Some of them called me a faggot. I guess they had seen the note. Plenty of rumors probably got around already. I slumped off to math, before realizing Gerard was going to be there.

I walked the through the door, immediately catching eyes with Gerard. He gave me a questioning look, raising his eyebrows. I looked away and hurried to my seat. Ray grabbed my arm.

"Dude, chill out." I whipped my head up to mean his eyes.

"How can I chill out! You know what happened!" I said, spazzing. He gestured for me to lower my voice, we wouldn't want everyone hearing.

"Gerard doesn't use his locker." He said quietly. I froze as relief washed over me. Ray continued.

"I asked him if he'd been to his locker. He looked at me like I was crazy," It was a pretty weird question to ask a stranger. "But then said he doesn't use it. So you're good man." I sighed, feeling better.

"So that's it?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Well, I introduced myself, talking about how I was part of the band he joined. We talked about when we should all get together to play and know one another." I nodded, calming down.

"Good, good." Ray looked at me funny. I was still a bit out of it. Math continued on, with everything perfectly fine. Until I got to art.

I walked into the room, making my way to my desk. I found it odd, Gerard wasn't there. He usually was always here before me. After the bell rang, and it had been a few minutes, I realized he wasn't coming. I almost started to panic, but realized it was silly because there was no way he saw the note. Daring to look back at Mark, I found he was already staring me down, with a devious look on his face. Son of a bitch, what could he have done.

He didn't say anything to me, but when the bell rang, him and his friends dragged me out of the room and brought me to a janitors closet. They threw me in, yelling 'Have fun, faggot!' Before I even registered what was happening. I harshly collided with the floor, grunted and sitting up. It was pitch black in the room. I fumbled for the door handle, finding it was locked. They must've locked it from the inside before closing it, and then taking the key with them. I found a light switch, and turned around to look at my surroundings. I almost had a heart attack.

Gerard was there. He sat on the floor, huddled in the corner, with his head in his knees. He obviously knew I was here but didn't care. I stared at him for a few more moments before giving up and sitting down. As I did so, I saw a folded up note by his feet. All air left my lungs. Shit. Shit. Shit. I reached for it and opened it up. There were hearts around his name.

'Dear Gerard,

The way you stood up for me in class was awesome. And your art is amazing. Maybe someday we can be more than friends. (;

-Frank Iero.'

The note was believable, the hand writing was messy and the hearts were sloppy, with the message being straight forward and not overly cheesy. Fucking fantastic, now Gerard thinks I like him. I looked over and saw he was staring at me.

"Yeah, I saw it." He said, knitting his eyebrows. I winced, blushing.

"Gee, I-"

"It's okay Frank." he said, cutting me off.

"No, you don't understand, I didn't write this!" I exclaimed. He looked dumb founded.

"You didn't?"

"No! It was Mark and Josh!" I yelled. He looked taken aback.

"Right, shit. I'm sorry." I shrugged.

"No I'm sorry for probably scaring the fuck out of you and creeping you out." He chuckled. Before he could respond, I bombarded him with questions.

"I thought Ray said you don't use your locker?" he shrugged.

"Mark told me he saw you slip a note in there. So I was curious." I nodded.

"Oh, alright. Hey...Gerard?" he stared at me quizzically.


"Why were you an ass when we first met?" I cringed, not wanting to sound like an ass myself, but he smiled and

"Well, because, I figured every other person I met at this school were arrogant pricks, so you would be too. I kind of had gave up on making friends. I'm sorry Frankie." I smiled at the nickname.

"It's cool. No harm done." He nodded. Suddenly I though back to the dream I had about him and started blushing like mad. I was so ashamed of myself. Something was seriously wrong with me. Gerard noticed but didn't say anything, instead he walked to the door, trying the handle.

"Still locked." I nodded, calming down.

"Yeah, were screwed." I said. He shook his head.

"Nah, I got an idea." Before I could ask, he pulled out his school I.D. He jammed the card between the door and the wall, trying to slip it past the lock. After only a few seconds, we heard a click and the lock popped. He smirked at me. I stood up and smiled as he opened the door to freedom. I crumpled up the note and threw it away in a nearby trashcan. He watched me closely.

"Ready babe?" he joked, referring to the note. I started cracking up and took his hand.

"Ready." I smiled and he pushed open the doors, letting go of my hand as we walked back to the parking lot.

"Wanna chill at my house?" he asked. I nodded.

"Alright, follow me home." We parted ways. I went to my truck and got in, starting it up and following him out of the parking lot. I saw Mikey in his passenger seat. They looked like they were arguing. He must have been waiting for Gerard to get out of the school and drive him home. As we got to their house and got out of our cars, I saw they were fine now.

"Hey Mikes." he nodded at me and smiled as we all walked inside.

Gerard told me to invite over Bob and Ray so everyone can get to know one another. I called them up and within ten minutes they were here. I introduced everyone, and there was no tension in the air at all. Everyone got along and seemed content. We all jammed in the basement, loving the way our instruments sounded together. This band was going to be a huge success. We just needed a name.
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Guys I am so very sorry for not updating sooner. I visited family in North Carolina and then went camping. Not to mention I get tutored once a week. (yes i know, who gets tutored in the summer? fucking retarded) So yeah I've been busy. Forgive me? I tried to give a nice long chapter to make up for it haha (: Either way, you guys are awesome. Thanks for the support.