I bite my tongue so you don't hear me.

I bite my tongue so you don't hear me.

That night had started off as any other. Going to gigs was just a part of my life, or rather a life I wanted to have. An aspiring photographer is what I called myself, but really I was just an amateur with high hopes. I put on my gray tank and slipped on my toms before grabbing my Nikon and walking out the door, where Vanessa was waiting for me. Vanessa always supported me, though never understood I don’t think. She went to all the shows with me, and tonight was Breathe Carolina. I hadn’t been able to land a job or build a portfolio yet, and I had high hopes that this show would be the key if I got enough good shots. I could finally start on my career. I jumped in her car as we took off towards the venue.

The drive was short, but the line outside the venue was long. As we waiting, I saw him for the first time and the glance hit me like a bus. He was standing by the door laughing with his band mates, with his shades on and a glass in hand. He was mid laugh when he caught me looking at him. He turned toward me and even through his shades, I could see his eyes locked on me. Everything slowed and I could feel my mouth moving, grasping for words to say, words that he was too far away to hear, but I felt it still necessary.

“Allie? ALLIE?” I heard Vanessa shout.
“What?” I said suddenly snapping back into reality. I turned to look at my obviously agitated friend. Hand on hip, and crooked septum, she tried to make your disapproval obvious.
“I was asking what you were looking at, but that much is obvious, Jesus…”
“What are you talking about?” I stammered. I turned to look at him, as his eyes were still locked on me as his friends began to walk away.
“I know they’re cute, but you’re going to scare them off, get it together,” she said as she playfully slapped me on the arm. I looked at her and laughed sheepishly, and when I turned to look at him one last time, he was gone. I couldn’t tell if I had imagined it or if David Schmitt had honestly been eyeing me down. The only thing I knew is that my heart skipped a beat at the sheer mention of his name.